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Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Imagine going to your usual Sunday brunch spot, getting unlimited mimosas and your favorite appetizer. Better yet, paying of your almost-at-limit credit card and having enough money in your bank account for Steve Madden’s you’ve been eyeing. Mo’ money, less problems… a girl can dream, right? 

In a perfect world, these would be the ideal situations. In a realistic world, I’m counting quarters to afford a lunch at Sergio’s. 

But I’ve made a pact with myself (and my loving mother whom I’m determined to prove wrong) that I can and will save money in 2018. Here are the three rules I occasionally repeat every morning before heading into a world where money is no object: 

1. Eating Out Equals Your Inevitable Doom 

Wake up early, pack a lunch, save yourself more money than you’d think and then thank me later. Restaurant eating can seem so innocent and be so pleasing; 15 trivial dollars for a tasty meal that’s going to keep me satisfied for the day? A steal indeed! But in reality, those 5, 10 or 15 dollars will quickly add up and catch up to you. Chances are, you have something in your kitchen ready to be cooked up or even left overs waiting to be packed. Limit your eating out to once,  twice a week maximum and to add a special touch, save it for those yummy spots you’ve been dying to try! 

2. Know When To Indulge 

As much as I’ll practice what I preach and save money for this new year, I’ll probably also be the first one outside the doors of Zara’s annual sale. Guilty as charged! Finally buying that one item you’ve been dying for is a pretty good feeling. That being said, choose wisely. Invest in what you know you’ll use often and think about your purchase before you make it, especially if it’s an expensive one. I’ve found myself obsessing over items I just had to have that I’ve quickly gotten over a few weeks later. Spoil yourself (wisely!) 

3. Excuses Are Your Weakness 

“I’m young, I have time to save.” “I’ll open up a savings account next month.” “I don’t have enough money to save.” Most of us don’t have left over money to put away for those “just in case” days. But if you prioritize saving money, nothing will stand in your way. Endless excuses of why you can’t and convincing yourself of reasons not to will slow down progress. The best day to start saving is today. The best time is now. The best moment is in your hands.