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The Problem With New Years Resolutions– And Why 88% Fail.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.


New Year Resolutions are a lot like saying, “I gotta stop drinking” after a long night out drinking with a presentation due the next day. They are bottomless and usually have no substance.

Problem #1: Saying you are going to do something is one thing, but actually sticking with it is something else. Making a resolution requires hard work AND a life style change.

Scenario: This Year I’m Going to Lose Weight!

The most generic of resolutions, this resolution is widely used and only acted on for about the month of January.  Don’t get discouraged by the millions of people joining a gym and quit, losing weight, or just eating better is a COMPLETE lifestyle change.

Diets don’t work, lifestyle changes do.

Problem #2: With another year creeping up on us many people freak out and overload their resolution plate.

Scenario: This year I am going to lose weight, organize my whole house, start Crossfit, learn Mandarin, and call home once a week.

Again, I have no problem with any of these resolutions but try not to pick them all. Pick two you feel more passionate about and stick with them. In the end you will be more likely to succeed if you create simple and realistic expectations for yourself.

Problem #3: The clock strikes midnight and you are stuffing your face with Christmas cookies and alcohol all the while telling your self that this doesn’t count as breaking your resolution.

Scenario: Procrastination. Need I say more?

Just Don’t Do It! The more you procrastinate the less likely you are to actually start your resolution. We’re college students and we know how to wait until the last minute to get something done.

Just because you have a year to complete the goal doesn’t mean you will actually do it.

If you can’t avoid making a resolution for the New Year at least keep it simple, pick only one or two. Be prepared to put in hard work and don’t procrastinate on starting! The last thing anyone wants is to feel like s*** when the holiday’s roll back around and realize that you never started nor ever accomplished your 2014 New Years Resolution.


Laura Hernandez is the founder of Her Campus FIU.  She is currently a junior and is majoring in Political Science, Women's Studies and International Relations. She is also passionate about writing and communications. Laura thinks that Her Campus FIU is the perfect way to connect with collegiettes at FIU's commuter campus.