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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Every now and then, we have a period in which we feel like we’re not good enough or as if we will never reach our accomplishments. Coming from personal experience, I know what it’s like to be at a very vulnerable position and it is not a good place. Now in college, we are so wrapped up in everything that needs to be done that it feels like nothing ever stops.

It can be tough to overcome the insecurities that we possess, but at the end of the day, the only person you’re hurting is yourself. We tend to be our biggest critics, and that needs to stop. As cringe-worthy as it sounds, It all begins with self-love and positive thinking. Here are a few pointers to help you realize your worth.


Focus on what you’re good at and find your passion: If you’re busy working on something that excites you, not only will you get satisfaction from it, but you will feel fulfilled knowing that you’re capable of something great

Surround yourself with loving people: As the rapper Big Sean said, “Distance yourself from negative energy.”  If you’re hanging out with people that just add on to your worries and insecurities, it will not benefit you in any way.

Stop depending on approval: while it is nice to receive a compliment every now and then, stop relying on them! Another person’s approval does not determine your worth, you do.

Let go of the past: you live and you learn! Stop going back to your weakest points. Instead, take it as a learning lesson and grow from it. Think about how in the future you can learn from your mistakes. 

Stop comparing yourself: everyone has something that makes them unique, that’s what makes this world so diverse. Just because someone looks a certain way, does not mean you have to. Instead, focus on becoming a better version of yourself.

Be able to face what you’re scared of: Stop avoiding your problems and face them head on. This will empower you. As hard as the obstacle may seem, you need to face it in order to move on from the problem.

It is always easier said than done, but just doing one of these can make all the difference. 

Good luck on your journey,