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Meet Mr. Work Hard, Play Hard : Sergio Molina

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.
This week’s Campus Cutie is Sergio Molina. He is a Junior majoring in Economics and Finance with a minor in Psychology. He is known for his big bright smile and positive attitude. He is an active member of the FIU community and he truly lives by the motto work hard, play hard. Although he is very driven and focused on reaching his goal of becoming a successful attorney, he still finds time to have fun. He says, “life is all about balance!” Sergio also has a great sense of humor. To catch a glimpse of it, and to learn more about who he is, check out my interview with him. 
What are you involved with on campus?
  • “Over the last few years I’ve been involved in a few different things. I started off by joining Phi Alpha Delta (PAD), the pre-law fraternity on campus. While in PAD, I competed on the mock trial team at both the state and national level, served a year as Vice-President, and served as President, which I am doing currently. I’ve also been involved with the Student Conduct Committee and with MMC’s Student Government Association as the Supreme Court Chief Justice. Lastly, but certainly not least, I’m also a proud brother of Theta Chi Fraternity’s Iota Omicron chapter, where I’ll be starting my term as Chapter President in the spring.” 
What internships do you currently have or have had in the past? 
  • “As of now, I’ve had two. Last spring, I was a law clerk for Judge Diane Ward who presides over criminal trials at the Richard E. Gerstein building, and over the summer I was a law clerk for Judge Beatrice Butchko who presides over complex civil cases at the Dade County Courthouse. I’m now looking to get either another clerkship or a part-time at a local law firm, so we’ll see how that goes.”
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
  • “Well, I have a year and a half left at FIU and three years of law school before I can take the Bar Exam. Once (not IF) I pass, I’ll be a practicing defense attorney in the area of civil, criminal, or corporate law. Hopefully, ten years from now, I’ll either be well on my way to becoming a partner for a reputable defense firm, or known for being a name partner of a firm of my own.” 
Who is your role model? 
  • “My mother. After immigrating to Miami from Mexico, she started her studies at MDC but never finished. Even without a degree she fought her way to the top as a banker for Deutsche Bank, then as one of the top private banking associates for HSBC, and now as a private banker and stockbroker for UBS. She’s a testament to what determination and motivation will achieve. Without her, I don’t think I’d be half the man I am, let alone be nearly as driven as I am.”
Describe your perfect date?
  • “I’m a sucker for the simple, sappy, romantic stuff. My ideal date would probably be a nice dinner with a drive to the bay where we can get out of the car, lay on the sand, and look out to where the stars touch the water.”
Do you have a hobby?
  • “I’d say my favorite hobby is arguing, but if that doesn’t count, we can go with swimming or doing some kind of visual art. I’ve been painting/sketching for over 12 years and swimming competitively for over seven years now; I’m a breaststroker, which–if you know anything about me–is pretty ironic.” 
Favorite FIU Memory:
  • “This is a pretty tough question, and probably not one I can answer with one memory; I’ve made a bunch while at FIU. If I had to narrow it down to one, though, I’d probably pick the day I was initiated as a brother of Theta Chi. Because of my chapter, and the men I’m lucky enough to call my brothers, I’ve seen myself develop not only as an individual, but also as a leader while having fun every step of the way. Not only have they helped me make FIU, and our community, a great place, but they’ve also made me proud to be an FIU Panther.” 
When you were younger, what did you strive to be when you got older?
  • “As a child I always told myself that I wanted to become a plastic surgeon. I scrapped that idea pretty quickly when I realized how much schooling I’d need to go through to get there. I ended up as an aspiring attorney which isn’t much better in terms of school work, but hey, “it is what it is”, as they say.”
Favorite thing to read?
  • “I’ll read anything from Oscar Wilde to American Psycho. On occasion, I’ll even pick up a textbook…I’m totally joking. Reading is fundamental.” 
Favorite fictional character?
  • “I’m a pretty big fan of V from V for Vendetta. As morally questionable as he may be, I really like the fact that he’s a strong believer in the idea that power should be in the hands of the people and not the establishments that represent them: governmental or otherwise.” 
What advice do you have for our fellow collegiates? 
  • “If I could offer any advice, it would be to always try and never give up. If you want something badly enough, you’ll find a way to make it happen; there is no greater obstacle than ourselves. Take risks. Sometimes you have to trust that things will work out, and if they don’t, it’s for a reason; everything ends up as it should. But most importantly, be happy. All that you do means nothing if it doesn’t bring you happiness; enjoy every moment life offers you.”
How do you manage to juggle all of the things you are involved in? 
  • “Luckily, I have a great assistant…I’m totally joking. In all seriousness, I’ve gotten myself on a pretty good schedule for time management. Thankfully my iphone calendar sends me push notifications, so even if I don’t remember to do something, it does the remembering for me. An assistant would be nice, though, so if you know any, send them my way. I can pay in gum.” 
Mary Corbin is a Sophomore at Florida International University studying Broadcast Journalism and Political Science. She hopes to become a reporter in Washington, D.C. Mary is very involved on and off campus. She is a Lower Division senator for the Student Government Association, a Morale Captain for Dance Marathon, Public Relations Coordinator for the Miss FIU Pageant and a member of a Panhellenic organization. She is also very passionate about helping children with disabilities. Every year she volunteers at Brucie Ball Educational Center, a school for children with disabilities.