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The Man Behind the Backpack: Jessie Diaz

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

You’ve seen him rolling around campus with his rollerblades, shades, and even noticed that green turtle backpack he wears. You’ve also heard his music blasting aloud while he skates, taken aback as he swishes by you on your way to class. It’s time to meet the famous man behind “Turtle Backpack Guy” moniker, more formally known as Jessie Diaz.

  • What is FIU to you?

FIU is like a park for me where I can skate on great terrain and meet a lot of people.

  • How long have you been rollerblading for?

Since Christmas of 2013.

  • When did you begin to realize you were gaining notoriety for your iconic turtle back pack and unique style?

I began to notice about 6 weeks ago when people kept stopping me and telling me how I’m famous on an app called “Yik Yak.” Soon after people started taking selfies with me, but even with all that I still don’t realize how many people seem to know me. I still get overwhelmed when people see me and freak out.

  • Have you had any crazy fan encounters?

Yeah, people flip out when they realize it’s me. I’ve had girls scream at the sight of me.

  • Overall though, do you still enjoy being “Turtle Backpack Guy”?

I don’t put much thought into it to be honest. It is what it is,and I like turtles so it’s cool.

  • Do you have any other hobbies besides rollerblading?

I’m really big on music. I love watching movies, and my cat is “bae”.

  • What are your short and long term goals?

The only goal that I have at the moment is rollerblading across the state. I had previously attempted it but I had to turn back because important people in my life were worrying about me so I put that goal on hold.

  • Is there anything you’re currently working on now?

Just staying in shape! 

Natalie is currently a Sophomore at FIU studying Journalism with a Minor in Marketing. As a young girl she always knew she wanted to be a writer and she continues to pursue those dreams at FIU. On her spare time she is very involved on campus in several organizations as well as an internship with FIU's Athletics Department. Her professional goals are to become a staff writer or anchor woman and her life goals are to make a difference in people's lives.