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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

It is that time of year again, when celebrities flock to New York City for New York Fashion Week (NYFW). Your instagram is probably flooded by A-List stars posting various fashion shows alongside with other A-listers. However, when it comes to NYFW, there is more to the week than celebrities sitting in the front row. When it comes to NYFW, there is an immense level of preparation that goes behind the everyday of the week.

NYFW has been a staple of New York culture since 1943. Fashion shows run for 7-9 days, and is held twice a year. Typically, in September and in February. Shows start as early as 8:30 AM to as late as 10:30 PM. With as many as 16 shows shown in a day. Fashion designers plan months in advance on the clothes they want to show case. Designers start off with their designs which leads to them actually creating the clothes with the help of their creative team. However, do not get it mixed up with Ready-To-Wear and Haute Couture fashion shows. Most of the shows in NYFW are Ready-To-Wear clothing. Meaning that these designers spent some time on the clothing for it to be sold in their stores. Hence, that is why you usually see a lot of bloggers, celebrities, and stylists attending NYFW because they want to get the first look into the new season trends. That is also why you always see the same people at the fashion shows. The invite list is difficult to get in but if you are a loyal customer and a fan of the designer, obviously, you will get in.

There is definitely the glitz and glam when it comes to NYFW. However, there is a reason why it is the top 4 fashion week in the entire world. Attendees have high hopes what they are going to see is what they are going to get in the stores. When it comes to fashion designers, it is a very stressful week for them. From creating the looks to organizing the show to actually having the show, there are many moving pieces in order to make their show amazing.



Uloop. “All About Haute Couture.” The Huffington Post, TheHuffingtonPost.com, 27 Apr. 2015,


Perez, Krista. “What Is the Difference Between Haute Couture and Ready to Wear?” ArtTECA, ArtTECA, 18

May 2017, artteca.com/blogs/artteca/what-is-the-difference-between-haute-couture-and-ready-to-wear.

Spivack, Emily. “New York Fashion Week, Past and Present.” Smithsonian.com, Smithsonian Institution, 7

Sept. 2012,


Hi! My name is Sonya Islam. I am currently studying International Business at Florida International University. Some of my favorite things to do is constantly read up on pop culture, keep up with politics, and watching tv to relax. Those are actually some of my passions and hopefully, that passion is translated into the articles I write.