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Kristen Robillard: She Means Business

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.


This weeks Campus Celebrity is Kristen Robillard. Kristen is currently a senior at FIU who will be graduating this spring. As an education major, Kristen spends a large sum of her time not only in the classroom but also tutoring a reading class of young children. Readers will wonder how she does it all, but the following few questions answered by Kristen herself will help readers see just how you can have it all. 


If you could go back in time to any moment you had here at FIU what would it be and why?

If I could go back to any moment at FIU it would be when I was announced as a Peer Advisor in 2011. It was my first leadership position within FIU and meant the world to me when I found out. I knew that it was the start of great memories!

What are you involved with on campus?

President of Alpha Xi Delta, Peer Advisor, Panther Camp Facilitator, Peer Advisor Coordinator, Senator at Large, Homecoming Princess 2012, Sorority Women of the Year 2012, Peer Mentor, ODK Member, Order of Omega President. 


What is one thing you can’t live without?

One thing I can’t live without is definitely my family. They are my support system and my backbone!

What is your plan going forward (after graduation)?

After graduation my hopes are to either attend graduate school for student affairs, or to be an educational leadership consultant for Alpha Xi Delta Nationally.

What advice would you give younger college students today who are striving towards graduating?  

My advice would be to make the most of your college experience because it truly does fly by and to get involved on campus! By getting involved within FIU you are able to gain professional development skills and realize your potential! Make your time count!

Laura Hernandez is the founder of Her Campus FIU.  She is currently a junior and is majoring in Political Science, Women's Studies and International Relations. She is also passionate about writing and communications. Laura thinks that Her Campus FIU is the perfect way to connect with collegiettes at FIU's commuter campus.