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Ivan Lee Fesser: Leader & Entrepreneur at heart

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

This week’s Campus Celebrity is Ivan Lee Fesser! Not only is he dedicated and a natural leader, but he’s helping other students at FIU become one as well as a faciliator in the school’s Academy of Leaders retreat. Known as someone who knows when to be serious and when to have fun by his brothers at Beta Theta Pi, Ivan has become involved in various important organizations on campus within his past two years here at FIU. Here are some of the ways he has left his mark so far:

Age: 19

Major: Business

Year: 2016 Sophmore

1. Why did you choose Business?

I chose to major in Business because I always saw myself as a business man growing up. As an adolescent I used to sell my lunch and adapted to sell chocolate and desired food products, I guess you can say I’ve always been an entrepreneur at heart.

2. What are you involved in on campus?

On campus currently I am an active brother of Beta Theta Pi, Part of the Center for Leadership and Service’s LeadTeam, and the Inter Fraternity Councils Vice President of Management (Treasure).

3. What do you do as a part of Lead Team?

As a part of Lead Team our primary function is to facilitate the Academy of Leaders retreat. In this retreat we introduce and teach the different steps within the leadership challenge. We also incorporate personality types by using the MBTI so that campers can also learn more about themselves when put into certain situations. Our secondary function is to aid the CLS, Campus Life, and Office of orientation when it comes to involvement fairs, team builders, speeches at freshmen orientation, and leadership ambassadors.

4. Plans after graduation?

After graduation I can hopefully land a job right out of college or a solid internship at a company. I have some connections on campus, but as of right now, my plans after graduation aren’t chiseled in stone.

5. Most memorable moment at FIU so far?

Hmm, my most memorable moment. I’d probably have to say it was when I received a letter I wrote myself when I first joined LeadTeam. It was a simple exercise just write a letter to yourself telling yourself where you want to be in life. I believe it was like a couple months when we would receive our letters back. But in my letter I essentially told myself to get more involved with my organization, with IFC, and to improve my overall relations on campus. Accomplishing everything I told myself was the most rewarding feeling and overall a giant checkpoint in my college life.

Do you know someone who should be FIU’s next Campus Celebrity? Find out how here!