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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

I’m going to bite the bullet here and assume that a number of us (including yours truly) don’t find their scholastic career and the process it entails entertaining. It isn’t shameful or anything. I struggle with it, too. But, the one thing that I’ve always appreciated since I was 11 years old was the effort placed into note-taking and organization.

Every time a new school year began, I would look up “Back to School” hauls on Youtube and get into the groove of acquiring new stationery, such as colorful gel pens, Post-It Notes, and those binders with a baby puppy print. This whole mental preparation and organization factor would trigger excitement. This reflection began when I was bored and definitely not looking forward to oncoming stress that I was still trying to relieve from the previous courses. I would watch countless TikTok’s in my free time that showed all these aesthetic and gorgeous note-taking tutorials and basically inspired me and anyone else who can be easily influenced.

As expected, these videos would send a rush of endorphins through my body that I automatically assumed I could easily replicate. Then that little fairytale of me purchasing paper, buying Muji 0.5 pens, and the Zebra Mildliner Highlighters would soon disappear until TikTok reminded me again from a 2 hour scrolling session. I would be reminded again about my plans about being a good student. That phrase. Yes, the “being a good student” line. Every student has heard the formula: taking thorough notes + studying = earn good grades. Sophi, where are you going with this? Basically, I could very well encourage plenty of people to take the nicest and prettiest notes that would land them perfect grades. An opinion that many aesthetic Youtuber who film themselves taking notes for 2+ hours would agree with.

I enjoy romanticizing school when its efficient to do so. After 12 years of general schooling, I think I have realized how I am when it comes to procrastination. However, when I see my hard-working notes that took hors to perfect, it makes me guilty for not studying.I’ve also encountered numerous comments that criticize the “extra AF” notes. It’s a tad bit comical since it could be based on their experience of romanticizing school, which from the sound of it, didn’t prove to be successful. In there lies a lesson in which you didn’t even realize, what kind of student am I? Maybe you’re the type who can get away without taking notes or studying and pass the classes or the type that may require (I’m saying it again, yes) ROMANTICIZING a certain course as a pacifier for anxiety or pressure to perform well.

So, it’s up to you to test this question. Make it an experiment. If you have an iPad, you can have a head start by downloading GoodNotes and copying Pinterest titles and organization. Paper is still an option, I’m not ignoring old-fashioned strategies. Before making any commitment, start with standard highlighters and blue/black pens. See for yourself if your mind feels a sense of clarity and if your grades improve. If the progress is stagnant, then there is your answer. Regardless, always remember to take it easy. Seriously though, note-taking content is a category in its own right.

I’m a 20 year old student currently majoring in Humanities! I’ve had an ardent passion for communicating with others and it starts with my desire to read about history and telling anyone I know about fun facts. That’s usually what and how I write. I grew up with immigrant parents so I was raised with two cultures, one being American and the other being Argentinian. I’m a cheese junkie, a hyper/sleepy person, and an honest gal.