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Instagram vs Real Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Okay, flip your hair, but don’t look at the camera!

Laugh as if I just told you a funny joke… wait, show less  teeth… *click*

You got the picture-perfect shot that matched your Instagram feed just right and you can almost sense the swarms of likes pouring in. Feels good, doesn’t it?

Instagram has become a trap and I have fallen deep in the hole. I’m not sure at what point I diagnosed myself as social media obsessed, but I’m positive it was somewhere in between the two-hour lurks of flawless models… or lengthy iPhone photoshoots of me longing to be like them.

Sometimes we spend so much time trying to perfect our own Instagram or are too busy drooling over others, that we forget this little thing called reality.

And Instagram is not real life, just merely a highlight reel.

It’s natural to want to put your best face forward for the sake of entertainment… and likes. But it becomes harmful when we can’t help but compare ourselves to people who just seem to have it better.

Scrolling through my own Instagram, it looks as if I’ve gone on endless lavish vacations, have a perfect relationship, and spend my time having cute lunch dates with fabulous outfits. But you know what else? I’ve also had some really bad days, cried my eyes out, failed a test or two, argued with my boyfriend (all his fault, of course,) and worked long hour shifts trying to afford those fabulous outfits. Those moments probably weren’t too Instagram worthy.

But it was still just a part of my life. That’s the beauty of it, you’ll live through ups and downs that may not all be captured perfectly and that’s okay. Once in a while, turn off the camera, put down your phone and just enjoy life. Because no matter how perfect anyone may seem on social media, nothing compares to reality.

Now don’t worry, I know you might have heard this time after time before, yet continue to constantly post and obsess over Instagram (guilty as charged!) But always remind yourself, when you’re old and rolling around in your wheelchair, it won’t matter how many Instagram likes you got back in the day. You’ll remember the successes you achieved, the obstacles you overcame and the people you impacted.

Beat that, Instagram.

cover photo source here  

2017 FIU Her Campus president