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How to Stay Organized this Spring Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Welcome to the spring semester along with the brand new year! One of the most important things to remember at the beginning of every semester is the importance of staying organized. This is crucial around this time of year and guarantees both a healthier lifestyle and  better outcome in school.

One of my favorite ways to stay organized is to pick out a trendy planner. Planners are useful to write down deadlines and other reminders for the week. I always make sure to keep my planner up to date and always make to-do lists.  Planners are a great way to stay on top of assignments because even if your schedule is jam packed 24/7, seeing it all written down gives you a little relief on when things can (and need to be) handled.

Another way to stay organized is to stock up on stylish items that can be used for class. As opposed to those boring and uninspiring notebooks we’re already used to, unique notebooks can motivate us to keep everything neat and in order. I recently purchased three adorable notebooks at my nearest TJMaxx.

Having a stress free study spot/work space also helps keep a better and more organized lifestyle. My study spot is usually my large desk in my bedroom. I find that whenever my desk is a mess, I get more distracted than I normally do. Keeping desks and work spaces clean helps the brain feel more focused and relaxed because there is no room for clutter or distractions.

And finally, knowing what to prioritize is a great way to stay organized. It is easy to get stressed out when you have a million assignments due! I like to get all of my homework out of the way before the weekend comes so I’m able to end the week stress-free! I use breaks in-between classes or early mornings to finish up any assignments. Being organized and prepared prompts you to achieve goals that are set for the week. Accomplishing a goal a day allows for a happier you!

Happy Spring Semester!

– Danni

Hello! My name is Danni and I am currently a junior at Florida International University majoring in public relations and minoring in marketing. I love traveling, reading and shopping. I recently created my own blog called "Starry Eyed Style" that's based on beauty products and a little bit of fashion. It includes some of my top favorite products along with reviews of different brands.
2017 FIU Her Campus president