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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

The time has come where Spring Break is long gone and the reality of finals approaching has hit every student. The month of April goes by faster than imaginable and if not taken advantage of, finals week will definitely be rough. It’s time to kick it into high gear and start the engine on the never-ending train until the satisfaction of passing finals is within us.

Here are some tips on finishing the semester strong.

Start studying

This is at the top because it is the most important. If you take any piece of advice from this article, let it be this one. While it is self-explanatory, many students don’t start to study for their final exams until the week before, or even more likely, the week of. In order to avoid high stress levels, start to take some time each day, or more realistically, each week, in order to feel prepared for your exams. Take note of important things your professors say during lectures and flag them with post-its, or highlight and color-code your notes. Everyone studies a different way, find yours and stick to it.

Take a breather

During finals season, most people think that they can’t take time to de-stress and enjoy life. Regardless of how much studying you need to do, taking time for yourself is very important. Spend some time doing things that relax you while also nourishing your body. That could be anywhere from reading a book to spending time outside by a lake. Reward yourself with study breaks and not-so-healthy treats that you enjoy for accomplishing your goals. If you intertwine things you enjoy with the not so enjoyable, you are much more likely to stay motivated and pass your exams.

Stay organized

I have written quite a bit of articles on staying organized, and tips + tricks on achieving pure organization. Staying organized is the key to succeeding and staying on top of all the last minute assignments, projects and tests you have during finals. Don’t get sidetracked and lose sight of your planner so late into the game. When summer comes, you will no longer have to spend 15 minutes planning out your day and creating to-do lists, until then, keep color-coding and writing everything down.

Get some sleep

Many students pull all-nighters before their exams in order to feel like they crammed enough information to pass. This method is beneficial to some, but to most it is not. Lack of sleep makes your body operate less efficiently than it’s full potential. The night before isn’t the only problem. One sleep cycle isn’t enough to completely throw everything off balance, but a few are. Don’t change your sleeping habits right before or during finals, your body will not thank you. Get enough sleep and keep hydrated all throughout the week.


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