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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Many of us have wondered how to create an Insta-worthy feed that can attract a lot of people. We want a feed that can represent our lifestyles or the things we enjoy. You’re probably thinking about how you can do just that and if you’re not thinking of your feed theme or overall aesthetics, then you are missing out!

So, how do you pick an Instagram aesthetic?

Exploring other accounts can inspire you and help you create your own aesthetics. While looking around ask yourself these question:

  • What kind of content do I want to share?
  • What colors do I like?
  • How do I want people to feel when looking at my account?
  • What do I enjoy posting?

Now that you have some ideas, here are some tips to keep up with your chosen aesthetic:

1. Choose a theme 

Think about what you’re passionate about and what you like doing the most. Will you focus on traveling, fashion, or business? You don’t necessarily need a theme, but defining your focus can help a lot. You can base it off on a holiday like Christmas or Easter. You could even do it by seasons like winter, spring, summer, and fall.

2. Use the same or similar filters

Apps like VSCO have a wide selection of filters that can help you ovtain the desired look. There’s filters for all kinds of color palettes such as warm & rustic, clean & neutral, dark & moody. The options are endless. You can even adjust the photos brightness, contrast, and shadow to your reference. Do you want filter guides? Pinterest has many options for VSCO filters or any other editiing app you prefer. Using the same filter on every post will give your feed the consistency that creates an Instagram aesthetic.

3. Plan ahead

You want to make sure every post fits well with the filter and current feed. If it doesn’t, you can save it for future posts. Instagram planners, such as Instasize, can you help you see how the photo looks before posting it. Simple things like planning outfits according to the color scheme of your feed can make the aesthetics even better. Taking pictures from different angles and of different things will help your feed look connected and interesting.

Hilary is a senior studying Digital Broadcast Media at Florida International University. She enjoys beach walks, reading, writing, exercising, and anything with coffee. Her ultimate goal is to become a news anchor for the Hispanic media.