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Don’t Fall Out of Shape This Holiday Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

November is quickly approaching, which means winter is just around the corner. No more shorts, skimpy tank tops or beach bodies. Around this time, many people fall off their fitness regiments. Just because you won’t be showing off your body as much, doesn’t mean you should stop taking care of it! Here are a few tips on how to beat the dreadful belly bulge of the upcoming holiday season.

Make time for exercise

School is hectic; we all know that. From research papers, lab assignments to club meetings, we college students have a lot on our plate. Making time to take care of your well being is vital in college. Not only does exercise make your body look good, it makes your body feel good as well. Taking an hour out of your regular 24 to run around campus or hit the gym doesn’t hurt.


Watch what you eat

With your busy schedule, fast food seems like the best option for food. WRONG. Cooking your own meals almost always cuts down on fat and also improves your cooking skills. Who doesn’t like a girl that can cook? If you absolutely don’t have time to cook your own meal, choose healthier options while eating out. Skip the normal French fries and swap it with sweet potato pies or a side house salad.


Get your beauty sleep


Sleep is very important for a good well-being. Pulling back-to-back all nighters is extremely draining. Contrary to popular belief, sleep is NOT for the weak. College students should get at least 6 hours of sleep per night. If you can’t get a full night’s rest, never underestimate the power of naps! Naps are great for rejuvenation throughout the day. Make sure to catch up on your sleep whenever you can.


Take time for yourself

Health and fitness isn’t solely about exercise and diet, your mood and spirit also comes to play in being healthy. Make sure you have time to do what you like to do. Whether it be shopping, writing or meditating, doing something you love is important to your well-being.  Don’t get bogged down by stresses at work and school. Stay positive!

Ashley is a junior at Florida International University majoring in Journalism and minoring in Social Media & E-Marketing Analytics. Born and raised in Miami to Trinidadian parents, Ashley comes from a diverse background that cultivated her love for cultural diversity. She loves blogging, entertainment, music and travelling. Ashley aspires to become the editor-in-chief of her own online publication in the future. Check out Ashley's entertainment and lifestyle blog at www.callmemissandrews.com ! Follow her on twitter: @callmemsandrews and on Instagram: @callmemissandrews