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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Dear Best Friend,

Even though you don’t need to hear this and I don’t have to say it, I want you to know a couple things.

First off, you are my rock. You seem to somehow always know what to say to get me out of a ditch. Thank you for never allowing me to beat myself up over something idiotic, for making me feel like I can get through the most strenuous of times and for always being my number one supporter. I will never be able to repay you for all the times you selflessly stayed up until 3am just listening to me spill my soul out. You are my solace and my light at the end of the tunnel.



I cannot and will not imagine my life without you. Although you are occasionally a bad influence, you somehow always make sure I’m not pressing a “self-destruct” button all the time. You have been my other (sometimes better) half and not to be dramatic, but I think I’d be in an insane asylum by now if I didn’t have you. I may not see you everyday, but I picture you with me at every birthday, every holiday, my wedding; heck, even at my honeymoon. Also I kind of can’t stop being friends with you because you still have that shirt I let you borrow 2 years ago.



I love you more than you’ll ever know. You’ve had a tremendous role in shaping who I am today. You are an extension of me and I of you; we have both picked up a few of each other’s habits, phrases and actions, you can’t even deny the fact that it’s pretty cool when we say the same thing at the same time. To me, you’re an inspiration, the strongest person I’ve ever met, and the best part is that you are my person. I am so proud to call you my best friend. 








Instagram: @daniiurrea Twitter: @daniiurrea