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Creative Birthday Party Ideas for Your 20s

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

As we enter Aquarius Season, I am confronted yet again with another birthday and the obligation to plan a party for myself. If you find party planning to celebrate your own birth stressful and counter-intuitive like me, you’re not alone. We’re all used to the normal house party or dinner party with friends which are great to attend, but sometimes doing it yourself can feel repetitive or too closed-in.

This year I decided to try something different and come up with several creative birthday party ideas to choose from. This way, party-planning can be more fun than choosing a restaurant and the decor. I hope some of these might help you too and that you can have the best birthday yet.


Picture this: you and your closest group of friends go on a mini road trip to your nearest camp site. You each buy decorations and have a contest to see who decorates their tent the best. You bring card games, marshmallows to roast, drinks, lots of snacks and food to grill. At night, you talk by the camp fire, look at the stars, and stay up late laughing, dancing to your favorite music, and singing as loud as your heart desires.

You can even do this without actually going to a camp site by having a camp-themed party with a giant tent and a fire pit in a backyard!


Imagine setting up a blanket in a beautiful location outdoors (I recommend the beach if there is one near you) dressing up cute, taking pictures at sunset, eating good food, and hanging out with friends. Everyone brings a picnic basket with fruits, sandwiches, bread, cheese, sparkling drinks, and of course a cake! You all lay on the ground basking in the sun and talking.

Party bus

Everyone knows your 20s is THE time to do a party bus. Imagine all of your friends are dancing, music is blasting, and lights are flashing as you drive through the city to your destination.

painting with a twist

You find a painting studio near you (painting with a twist, pinot’s palette, etc.) that does group classes with a painting instructor and has a BYOB allowance to host you and all your people to celebrate your day. The instructor makes it fun and helps you all while also giving you and your friends plenty of time to talk, drink, and laugh at each other’s creations.

Sofia is a senior studying Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communications at FIU. Sofia loves all things writing and art. She was born and raised in New Jersey but currently resides in Miami. Sofia has a passion for seeing new places, trying new things, and delving into the world of different media.