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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

As the holidays approach there is a big chance of spending more money than usual. As a college student, budgeting can be difficult, so here are a few suggestions on gifts that’ll be huge hits with your loved ones and won’t be such a hit towards your wallet!

For friends who love to write and stay organized, planners and journals are always a great idea. Try pairing one of these with a cute pen and stationary kit, or with something sweet like their favorite candy bar! Planners and journals can be found for as low as five dollars. Check stores like Target, TjMaxx, & Marshalls.

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With all the craziness that comes with holidays, it’s a great time to remember to take a deep breath and relax. For this same reason, giving gifts to help others relax is a great idea. Gifts like a new book, mug & tea, a pajama set, sleep mask, & a blanket will go a long way! You can also give someone “a spa in a jar,” which is a mason jar filled with goodies like nail polish, a nail file, fuzzy socks, and a mini lotion. These gifts can range from $5-$20. Visit stores such as Bath & Body Works and Target! 

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For those who love to travel, keep their passion in mind and get them a trendy luggage tag or passport cover! This is an example of small gift that says a lot: simple yet thoughtful.

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Last but not least: baked goods! The holidays are a time for giving and eating! Both being inexpensive and perfect go-to gifts, baked goods offer an easy solution for finding the perfect gift. Try baking cookies, brownies, or cupcakes and placing them in decorative tins or goodie-bags for friends and family. Another idea is hot chocolate mix in a jar: hot coco powder, marshmallows, & chocolate chips layered in a mason jar (add a cute mug if you’d like). The ingredients and decorative parts can be found at places like Walmart, Target, & even The Dollar Store!

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Lastly, don’t forget to take advantage of Black Friday sales and plan ahead of time! Shopping during a sale can help save a ton of money and making a list of what to buy ahead of time can help save time and a headache.

Happy Holidays!

– Claudia C.


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