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Charismatic Peer Advisor: Jeancarlo Casasola

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Jeancarlo Casasola is quite the charismatic campus cutie, Peer Advisor, and Fraternity boy we all wish we knew. He’s known for his seriousness at school, work, involvement activities, and his selflessness when it comes to helping others. However, what he is most acknowledged for are his ties and socks! If you still have doubts as to whether this handsome boy is deserving of our Campus Cutie title…take a look below!

Age: 21

Hometown: Miami, FL

Major/Minor: Mechanical Engineering / Math

Hobbies: Sports, Tamayo’s house, and what he’s known for: collecting socks and bow-ties

Involvement: On campus, he has been a member of ASME, SPHE, and AOL. He’s currently a part of the 2014 Peer Advisor team and a brother of Tau Kappa Epsilon.

Relationship Status: Currently in a relationship with Chipotle… and a woman.

How would you describe yourself in one word?


What made you want to become a Peer Advisor?

You have never really lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” I basically live by that statement. I just love the feeling you get from knowing that you had a positive impact on someone’s life. To me, Peer Advising will allow me to inspire many students to reach their full potential.

What has been your most memorable experience as an FIU Golden Panther? Why?

I owe my life to FIU! I don’t think I can choose a single experience because a lot of them have been pretty memorable. I cherish all the retreats, the formals, and the people that I have met. The relationships that I have created with the people at this school, – I can honestly say will last an eternity.

Describe your perfect date?

Every once and a while, a guy should definitely cook for his lady. I would make lasagna which I must say is to die for; Momma Yeezy taught me well! Setup a table for two outside, light up the candles, and have the record player playing JT’s 20/20 Experience or MBDTF.

What’s your dream job, and where do you see yourself in 10 years?

10 years from now I want to be Elon Musk. I want to be better than him. If you don’t know him, think of a real life Tony Stark. I also want to buy an island just to say I did it. Oh and buy a ranch for my mom and pop.

What has been your greatest accomplishment?

I’m never satisfied with myself so I’m always setting new goals to achieve. That’s why I would say my greatest accomplishment thus far is my latest one. I not only faced my fear of public speaking but I also raised money and awareness for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation during Delta Phi Epsilon’s Campus Man Pageant.

What is one piece of advice that you would give to your fellow collegiettes?

Smile and laugh as often as possible because nothing in this life is guaranteed.

He also further added: “I’m such a clown but the one thing to know about me is: Listen to Yeezy with me or bring me Chipotle so I know it’s real”.

It’s clear that this charismatic campus cutie is the perfect match to be our Campus Cutie of the week.

Do you know someone who should be our next Campus Cutie? Find out how here!

Nathalie Fleitas is a marketing major and an English minor at Florida International University. She a words' enthusiast, a bookworm, and she gets overly attached with fictional characters. She likes making up stories about anything that she can imagine and later write it on paper. But overall, she hopes she can one day write something that will inspire millions of people.