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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Over twenty years ago, Adobe Photoshop released its first computer photo editing program and caused a wave of graphic design around the world. Ever since, technology has changed drastically, and there has been an increase in social networking applications. Since, applications have become more and more prominent in our every day lives; there have been several applications that have made design so much easier than ever before. 


Superimpose is one of the first applications that introduced Photoshop-like abilities to your mobile device. With tools like masking, merging photos, manipulating the hue of an image, cutting, erasing, and transforming, it was definitely something new to Apple’s App Store. Now, Superimpose is at number four in the photo and video category. Clearly, Superimpose one of the more advanced applications when it comes to editing. 


Canva is an excellent application to find thousands of templates for your design needs. Whether it’s a logo, Instagram story, Instagram post, YouTube thumbnail, letter, flyer, poster, or your own custom design, Canva can help. This app is equipped with several fonts, shapes, illustrations, and stock photos that anyone can use for free. The full version comes with more advanced tools, but it is great for beginners or more advanced designers on a budget.


Phonto is an application all about fonts, which is great, because it comes with so many unique default fonts that are copyright free. The most interesting feature of this application is the ability for you to download other free applications from free websites and be able to use them right in the app. Currently, the application allows you manipulate the color, stroke, and letter spacing for your text. 


Prequel has blown up given that it’s editing is seen all over popular social media app, TikTok. Prequel focuses mainly on photo and video editing. However, it offers unique editing like glitter, vintage, film, and even prism effects. It also carries about 50 different filters that cater to your style. The application is free, but if you upgrade, you can unlock more features. Overall, the editing app is great to achieve trendy looks on social media. It allows you to edit things in portrait mode, so your photo/video can accommodate to Instagram stories or TikTok. 

Overall, editing apps have become extremely popular on App stores: whether it’s for iPhone or Android. Either way, it’s refreshing and fun to see who the world has become more creative on the internet because of apps that cater to design. 

Maria is a sophomore at Florida International University studying Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communications. She loves to travel to Europe and her favorite thing to do is sing and play the guitar. She also loves photography and fashion and enjoys being with her family and her dog. She is originally from College Station, Texas, but her family is Venezuelan and Puerto Rican.