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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Do you ever feel that social media feels like a competition?

Who has the most followers, the more influential presence, the better life?

As an avid social media user and enjoyer, this is the one thing about social media that’s always strayed me away from it. Its lack of authenticity, pollution of influencers, and mass of sponsored posts makes it feel anything but authentic.

Lately, I’ve wanted more from my social media than just pretty pictures and consumable content. I wanted something sincerer than perusing someone else’s highlight reel. I wanted something real.

Introducing BeReal:

BeReal is a social media app that lets you form genuine interactions and connections. With no likes or followers, the app reduces the amount of time one spends on social media and removes the superficial aspect of social apps!

It works like this: everyone receives a notification at the same time to post on BeReal every day, and you get 2 minutes to take a video of what you’re doing. No filters, no lying, and no BS.

It’s a fun, lighthearted way to find out what your friends are doing, and you can react to their videos. All BeReal posts disappear after 24 hours.

I’ve been using BeReal for a little over two weeks and ignoring my regular Instagram. It feels freeing to not be on my phone all the time and formally take a break.

Although it feels like a shock at first, it really isn’t once you think of the positives you’re gaining. I’m glad I took a chance on something like this and discovered something new about myself, and I especially love the opportunity to create genuine content for my followers.

You can download the BeReal app for iOS and Android, and happy posting!

Daniela Gonzalez is a 21-year-old HerCampus Writer at Florida International University. She is currently double-majoring in Political Science and International Relations while acquiring certificates in Pre-Law and National Security. She enjoys writing about lifestyle, wellness, and politics. When she is not writing, she loves to travel, go out to eat, and spend time with her friends and family.