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Being Thankful This November

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

The month of November is often times rushed in hopes of getting to December. As the month goes by, stop and reflect on the things that are in your lives and the things that are no longer there. November can give you the opportunity to realize where you are and where you are supposed to be. It allows you to be thankful for the past, the present and future. It gives you a chance to lay out your plans for what is left of the year and what is to come with the new year. 

This November, be thankful for the moments that have made you happy because they make your lives easier but appreciate the hard days because they make you stronger. Be thankful that you are able to continue making decisions, whether they are bad or good, that lets you make room for growth. Be thankful for the air you breathe and the opportunities that are presented to you. 

This November reflect on what the last 11 months have given you and what the rest of the year will give you. November is not just about the delicious food Thanksgiving has to offer but about growth, opportunities, the days to come and the ability to be thankful. 


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