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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Instagram, YouTube, and Tiktok are the three most popular websites people have made a career out of and have made some serious money with, as content creators and influencers. But did you know there is a simple and underrated website that offers creators a revenue and following? Becoming a Pinterest creator or influencer is a trend popping off this year because of the fact that making a business account is so simple. Although it is not as popular as Instagram or TikTok and does not give you millions of dollars and sponsorships, Pinterest makes for a great side hustle for those that want a bit of extra money in their pocket.

But first, what exactly is a Pinterest influencer? Is Pinterest not mainly used to like and “pin” other people’s aesthetically pleasing photos, make mood boards or find fashion inspo? Pinterest actually offers similar content creation as Instagram, except it does not necessarily have to be your own posts. As an influencer, you would promote products and work with brands sponsored by the website. Your job as a creator would consist of promoting, linking, sharing, collaborating, and being featured in brands on your Pinterest platform. Essentially, your goal is to grow Pinterest’s following and the following of the brands you are being sponsored by. Sounds easy, right?

In order to start your Pinterest influencer gig, you have to meet one criterion, which is to post at least one “Idea Pin,” per month in order to join the Creator Community program for Pinterest. You would need to have a business account rather than a personal one, create Idea pins (think of posts similar to Instagram stories), and be consistent with your monthly posting. From this, you can get the Pinterest creator fund as well as brand partnerships, and garner up to $25,000 yearly, or maybe more depending on your success, following, and sponsorships. It can be considered an almost effortless way to make some easy money and gain a hefty following from a chill online community.

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HCM Design
Senior at Florida International University majoring in psychology with a minor in sociology