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Advice Column: 5 Collegiette Apps

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.


Whether you have a Samsung Galaxy or a brand new iPhone 6, we all use apps on a daily basis. From Snapchat to Candy Crush Saga, we use apps for just about everything. Although most of our apps are social media and entertainment related, there are many apps helpful for college students. Here are the top 5 must-have apps for all colliegettes.


  1. FIU Mobile

The FIU Mobile app gives all panther collegiettes access to all things FIU. From the MyFIU portal to athletic news, the app updates you on everything happening both in and outside the classroom. The best feature of the app is the link to BlackBoard Mobile. Most professors use Blackboard to upload course materials such as syllabi, course announcements and lecture notes. The same websites you use on your laptop can be found in the FIU app, just on a smaller screen!


  1. Cloze

Sorting through your sorority sisters’ Facebook posts, professor’s emails, and your best friend’s tweets can be a hassle. Cloze is a great prioritization app which automatically groups social network activity from those you communicate with frequently. No more rummaging through your inbox to find your urgent message from your boss. Separate your personal and professional contact with this time-saving app!


  1. Easy Bib

Essays can be such a drag. If writing 6 pages on the evolution of humanity isn’t trivial enough, citing your sources are a pain in the neck! EasyBib scans your book’s ISBN code and instantly cites the source in the writing style of your choice. If you don’t have the physical book, you can simply search for the title and author of the source and Easy Bib will find it and instantly cite it. After building your works cited, you can email your bibliography to yourself. Voila! Your bibliography is done!


  1. Study Blue

Possibly the best studying app out there, Study Blue gives you access to collections of flash cards pertaining to every college course. Not only can you study off their database of flash cards, you can also create your own study guides and flash cards all on your mobile device. With this interactive way of studying, you can also connect with your fellow classmates and share study materials.


  1. Any.Do

As college students, we all have many daily tasks we need to complete. From finishing your group project to going to our Zumba fitness class, there is a lot that needs to be done. Any.Do is a great mobile to-do list. The app sets reminders for tasks you wish to be completed for the day as well as inputting future task reminders. You can share these tasks with your phone contacts via the app or email.


All of these apps are available for both iOS and Android mobile devices. Did I mention they are 

Ashley is a junior at Florida International University majoring in Journalism and minoring in Social Media & E-Marketing Analytics. Born and raised in Miami to Trinidadian parents, Ashley comes from a diverse background that cultivated her love for cultural diversity. She loves blogging, entertainment, music and travelling. Ashley aspires to become the editor-in-chief of her own online publication in the future. Check out Ashley's entertainment and lifestyle blog at www.callmemissandrews.com ! Follow her on twitter: @callmemsandrews and on Instagram: @callmemissandrews