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A Fangirl’s Guide to Pop-Culture and Anime Conventions!

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Saw that your favorite celebrity is attending a convention near you and you have no idea what to expect? As someone who has attended many conventions -except during COVID-19- since 2017, I have learned so much from the convention space’s overwhelming environment. I attended my first convention at 13, which led to an obsession and traditions that have survived everything, from middle school to college. I have mainly attended conventions in South and Central Florida, with Megacon being my biggest to date. Here is my guide to make sure that you have the best con experience ever!

Pack the Essentials

  • As a chronic overpacker -better to be safe than sorry- I have learned to only bring the essentials to conventions. Especially since you are most likely to buy enough merch to fit in a shopping cart in one day. I highly suggest bringing:
    • Portable Charger: There are never enough outlets. Ever.
    • Touch-Up Makeup: Don’t bring your whole makeup bag, just some lipstick and powder to make sure you look photo-ready at all times.
    • Wallet and Keys: Bring cash as the wifi in most convention centers is spotty and vendors will appreciate you more! Plus, if you do girl math, cash is free so everything you get is free!
    • Food and Drinks: In most conventions, you can bring your food and water, so please bring a water bottle and fulfilling snacks as it gets pricey for some nasty food.
    • Bookbag over Purse: Even if it doesn’t match your cosplay, bring a book bag, your shoulders will thank you for not weighing everything on only one of them.

Hygiene: Not just for you, but for Everyone

  • I trust that everyone is good with their hygiene but at a convention, it will have you question someone’s upbringing if you are standing next to them in line and it just doesn’t smell good. Please bring some deodorant and perfume and put it on before you get into the convention. This is one of the most common stereotypes about going to a con, and sadly, it is true.

Plan, Plan, Plan:

  • Conventions are often smacked with events from 10 AM to 1 AM. Choose the panels, vendor events, and shows with time. Most conventions nowadays have websites with their schedule being put up a few days or weeks leading up to the con, and attending events such as Drag Shows, Art workshops or Celebrity Panels tends to be my favorite memories of the whole weekend. I also suggest checking out the game rooms and walking around the expo and artist hall in your free time as you get to see some really niche things. If you are 18+, check out the rave and DJ nights if your con has them, they are really fun!

Take Breaks when you need to

  • Even though you want to go to every event, please listen to your body. Now that I have seen everything at a con about seven times, I don’t feel the need to go to every event and I spend quality time with friends in the game room, often catching up on our lives or playing the free board games that they offer. Some conventions even have a free screening of animes and movies as well as a quiet room if you need to get away from all the chaos.

Don’t Worry about being Weird

  • Being a fangirl or person is not weird at all, yet most of society views us as immature and childish. I wrote an essay for a class a long time ago on how pop culture conventions are safe spaces for fans, and this applies to this tip. Don’t feel bad about showing off your pride as a fan. I have met fans in lines to meet actors such as Finn Wolfhard who are as passionate about Stranger Things as I am.

Conventions are so much fun and don’t think otherwise! Hope these tips help!

Alanna Aldana Lainez is a Honduran writer at the Her Campus chapter at Florida International University. She loves writing about pop culture such as her favorite shows and music groups, fashion trends on social media, and the latest drama in Hollywood. Before starting on Her Campus, Alanna was a secretary at Women of Tomorrow, a mentorship program, organizing monthly meetings, and talking to upcoming guests. She is currently a junior majoring in Digital and Interactive Media but hopes to add a minor in the forthcoming year. When not at school or writing, she enjoys drawing, playing video games like Genshin Impact and Persona, and listening to the Smosh Mouth podcast. She is a massive fan of Red Velvet and hopes to see them in concert one day.