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8 Things Every College Girl Needs To Keep In Her Bag

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

When you’re in class, the worst feeling ever is discovering you that you don’t have what you need in your purse. Sure you’ve got your phone, keys, wallet, and books… but what about your other basic necessities? You know– the ones that you always end up needing in a pinch. Here are the top must-have items to keep in your purse while on campus so you’re never caught unprepared.

1. Bobby pins and hair ties

Every girl out there knows how it feels when they’ve planned to have their hair down for the day, but then suddenly want to pick up their hair because it’s so hot out. Realizing you don’t have hair ties or bobby pins handy in your purse is the worst! Always keep one or two hair ties with you and at least a few bobby pins.

Photo credit: https://lovelyindeed.com/diy-tic-tac-bobby-pin-case/

2. Snacks

Food keeps you going. If you’ve got back to back classes until the late afternoon, you need snacks to get you through the day. Pack something simple and quick to eat so that you have energy on the go and you never have to worry about your stomach grumbling in class.

Photo credit: unsplash.com

3. Pads and tampons

This one is a no-brainer! It happens and we’ve all been there. Sometimes your period comes unexpectedly and you don’t want to be caught off guard. Save yourself the worrying and keep a few of these in your purse or backpack.

Photo credit: ubykotex.com

4. Deodorant

Sometimes we forget. It’s okay– we’re only human, but forgetting this can leave you quite embarrassed, so keep a little travel deodorant in your purse to avoid mishaps with this one!

Photo credit: mommyscene.com

5. Medicine

A headache can really ruin your focus in class. Stock up on your go-to meds and keep a pill box in your backpack. This way, when you’re not feeling too well you can easily solve it instead of having to miss class and have to catch up on assignments later on.

Photo credit: pexels.com

6. Phone charger

Who leaves the house without a phone charger?! You never know when you’re going to need it, especially if you forgot to charge your phone the night before. Don’t forget to bring your earphones too while you’re at it. You can keep yourself entertained whenever you have breaks in between classes.

Photo credit: pexels.com

7. Hand sanitizer

Every girl needs hand sanitizer in her purse. Whether it’s a basic one or a super cute one from Bath and Body Works, all that matters is that is get the job done. College is a huge place filled with tons of people. You’re constantly touching so many things that other people have touched, coughed on, or sneezed on. Yuck. 

Basically, you don’t know where that’s been so kill those germs and stay clean. It’ll also keep you from getting sick.

Photo credit: onewhimsylane.com

8. Extra pens or pencils

Last but not least, you need pens and pencils. You should already have these in your purse but always make sure you have extras. What if your pen runs out of ink during a test? It’s a known fact that most college students take notes on their laptops, but don’t think you don’t need extra pens because you do! You never know if your professor is giving a pop quiz that day. Be prepared and you’ll never be stuck in an unpleasant situation!

Photo credit: pexels.com

Cover photo credit: unsplash.com

My name is Amanda and I'm currently a senior at FIU studying Management. When I'm not busy writing, I love working on my photography, traveling, hanging out at the beach and creating content for my blog!