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The 6 Stages Of Finals Week At FIU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

1. Denial-  “It’s Final’s Week already?!?! But I just finished having my  pan con lechon leftovers from Thanksgiving yesterday!”

2. Anger – When you walk into GL: 

“Pero like …where did all these people come from?”

3. Bargaining – Waiting in the Starbucks line at GL:

“Screw this I’m going to Bustelo.”

4. Depression- Realizing that you forgot to reserve a study room ahead of time:

5. Acceptance – It’s 7 a.m. Cram Jam is over, GL is empty, and the sun is shining….and all you can think of before your 8 a.m exam is :

6. Happiness- You’re finally done with your last final and you’re suddenly like:

Laura Hernandez is the founder of Her Campus FIU.  She is currently a junior and is majoring in Political Science, Women's Studies and International Relations. She is also passionate about writing and communications. Laura thinks that Her Campus FIU is the perfect way to connect with collegiettes at FIU's commuter campus.