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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

April is Earth Month, which is a time to raise awareness about environmental issues and take action to protect the planet. One way in which we can take action to protect the planet is by sustainability, which is basically taking actions to reduce our impact on the environment and promote social and economic well-being.

Sustainability involves finding a balance between social, economic, and environmental factors in order to create a healthy and equitable world for all.

Sustainable swaps are a way to make more environmentally friendly choices in our daily lives.

Here are 5 sustainable swaps that you can make for Earth Month:

1. swap disposable bags for reusable bags

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Swapping disposable plastic bags for reusable ones made of sustainable materials like canvas, jute, or other eco-friendly materials is a great sustainable swap for Earth Month. This is a simple yet impactful action that you can take to reduce waste, conserve resources, support sustainable livelihoods, and promote a more sustainable lifestyle. You also can save a lot of money and bags by using this.

2. Swap plastic water bottles for reusable water bottles

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Single-use plastic water bottles are a huge source of plastic waste and also contribute to environmental pollution. By swapping them for reusable water bottles that are made of materials such as glass, or stainless steel, you can significantly reduce your plastic footprint while also saving money, promoting health, encouraging hydration, and promoting sustainability.

3. Swap disposable wrapping paper for other packaging material

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Using newspapers, magazines, or other packaging materials to wrap gifts instead of disposable wrapping paper can help you reduce waste and minimize your environmental footprint. You can also reuse gift bags and boxes, fabric or cloth wraps, and avoid glossy or metallic wrapping paper. You can also paint over the newspapers and magazines that you used to make it look perfect!

4. Swap single-use or styrofoam paper plates for reusable plates

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By using reusable plates for your guests, you can help reduce the use of single-use items and minimize waste, showing your guests how eco-friendly and sustainable you are. Even though it may cause you to wash a bunch of dishes, you are still saving money and the Earth.

5. swap fast fashion for ethical clothing brands

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Fast fashion is basically the production of inexpensive, disposable clothing that is often made using low-quality materials and labor practices that can be harmful to the environment and workers. Swapping fast fashion for ethical clothing brands is a sustainable choice that can help promote responsible and ethical practices in the fashion industry.

These sustainable swaps are just a few examples of the various ways in which we can reduce waste and minimize our impact on the environment. By making small changes in our daily lives, we can help create a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

Rumina is a current Junior Psychology Major Student at Florida International University who loves working with children and making a difference in people’s lives. In her free time she loves reading, writing, playing games, whether they are board games or video games, and meeting new people. She also loves reading steamy rom-coms and watching Bollywood movies.