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5 Signs You’re Actually A Grandma Stuck In A Twenty Something Year Old Body

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Your twenties may be the perfect age to get unbelievably drunk every night and not even have to apologize for it. Why? ‘Cause you’re young! Live it up! 

But at some point, reality hits. Your weekday workload starts to creep in, your under eye bags become a little heavier than usual and a mid-day naps sounds way more exciting than a good deal at happy hour. 

If you can relate, don’t worry I won’t call you boring… but I will call you a grandma. 

Here are five signs to tell if you’re a actually a grandma stuck in a twenty something’s body: 

1. Friday night rolls around and your group chat’s blowing up with wild plans for the night. But in reality, all you can think is…. bed? bed. 

2. As kids, the word “bedtime” sent chills down our spines, cue the screaming and begging just to stay up a few minutes more… As a twenty something year old grandma, your body immediately clocks out by 9 PM, latest 10 PM if the next episode on Netflix is just that good!

3. Cancelled plans may actually be the best thing that ever happened to you, after the invention of fuzzy socks of course. Leaving your house and actually having to try to look decent? No, thank you. 

4. The rare occasions you do go out, you either: try really hard to not yawn inside the club and reveal your true identity, count down the hours until it’s appropriate to say you’re going home or wish you’d never showed up in the first place.

5. Is there such thing as fashionably early? To you, if you’re not early, you’re practically late. And if someone in your friend group is late, boy are they going to hear a mouthful! How rude! 


If you related to this in any way, it may be time to face the facts: you’re actually a grandma.

 But don’t worry!

You’re not a regular grandma, you’re a cool grandma.