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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

It was just one of those weeks for me. This past week kicked my butt, emotionally, physically, and mentally. I think we all have those days where we just aren’t having it, where all of life seems to be going one way while you’re going the other. This week was particularly one of those for me. Instead of being proactive about getting out of my bitterness, I turned to social media. The number one place you do NOT want to go for comfort, but it really is such an escape. I found myself becoming  bitter by certain things people posted or had said, and even becoming bitter with myself because I was constantly comparing my “bad day” to someone’s post of their perceived “amazing day”.

I eventually snapped out of my funk and realized how I wasn’t treating myself with love by comparing myself to what I thought someone’s life looked like on a screen. I thought about how  I could’ve made my life easier by just changing my mindset and how I saw things. Its easy to be negative but its much more powerful to be positive.

I wondered how differently my day would have become if instead of turning to instagram and playing the comparison game, I turned to something much more beneficial to me. What if instead of focusing on how great other people are, I focused on how great I am? Being positive takes time, positivity is something you practice, but it all stems from the question of whether you truly love yourself.

So what if we started this week focused on loving ourselves a little bit more? Here are four little reminders of how amazing you are, and how much you deserved to be loved!

1) You are the only YOU on this planet.

You deserve all of love because you were made special and unique. You have a purpose only you can fulfill, and you were given gifts that the world needs you to spread. Sometimes its easy to get caught up in the comparison game, but when you do remember that no one can be exactly like you.

2) Your future is Bright!

Although I am a big advocate for living in the now, ill admit that whenever I think of my future I get all giddy inside. When I think about my future I kind of think about it being the same feeling as when you were younger around Christmas time, seeing your presents under the tree but not being able to open them. The wait is almost the best part about presents. So enjoy the journey. Work hard for your future but live in hope knowing that your present is coming! Love yourself because so many good gifts are in store for you.

3) You ARE beautiful.

You are a living, breathing, walking, talking beautiful human being. If you really just look at yourself in the mirror youll notice how beautiful you are! Beauty also shines from within. If you think positively and speak of good things, you will one hundred percent shine from the inside out showing your true beauty. It doesn’t matter what someone thinks of you, it matters what you think of you. So treat  yourself girl, do something that makes you happy and shine.

4) You’re intelligent.  

A GPA does not define how smart someone is or even how hard working someone  is. I know its hard to remember that, and to not beat yourself up about a bad grade but you are SO intelligent. Think about how far you’ve come, all of your accomplishments. Never forget that you are  driven and can do anything you set your mind to.

I hope this helped you in any way. Even if its just a reminder to tell yourself that hey, youre pretty amazing.

Remember that at the end of a long hard week, there is always a Sunday right around the corner with open arms saying “you’ve got this girl”.

Kill it this week guys.
