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5 products that can make your bedroom more useful

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

A room is like a sanctuary for many. It can be a place to destress, do some studying, watch netflix and let the day pass you.

There are few products than can change your room completely and make it more useful.

Sometimes it’s hard to study at home, either because it’s easier to procrastinate or you can’t concentrate because your little brother keeps asking you to play. A desk or vanity can be essential. Having a small study corner will give you a comfortable place to do everything you need. Even after all the studying is done, it is a perfect place to do your makeup and get ready to go out with friends. 

After you’re done getting ready the full body mirror comes into play. It’s great to make sure your outfit looks good from head to toe but it also makes any smaller space automatically look bigger. The long shape draws the eye up making the room appear larger and brighter. 

Most of us struggle with getting the perfect lighting to do our makeup, especially at night time when natural lighting is just not happening. By getting warm white light or LED  you’ll be bringing the natural light to your room even on those cloudy days. This will help you avoid going out and realizing that your foundation doesn’t really match the rest of your body when you go to the bathroom. 

This fourth product is something most of us didnt know we needed until we got it: an extension cord. Rooms usually have 2-3 power outlets and one of them is usually covered by either the bed or a cabinet. I have an extension cord that connects to the outlet behind my bed which allows me to charge my phone, apple watch and computer at the same time. Instead of having to unplug something to charge something else, extension cords solves that problem. 

Keeping a room organized can automatically make it feel more homey and enjoyable. Nobody likes getting home to a messy room with clothes all over the place. By having a hamper in your room, it will help the room stay cleaner. It’s easy to just throw your clothes on the floor after a long day, but lets be honest the next morning the laziness kicks in and you tell yourself that you’ll pick it up later….you won’t. The hamper will allow you to just throw your clothes in there and have them ready for laundry day. 

A room should be more useful than just a place where you go to take your afternoon naps or sleep at night. When organizing your room, you should keep in mind to buy products that will be useful and not just create more of a clutter. Be realistic and keep it simple. 


Hi loves! My name is Juanita Cardona, I am a sophomore at FIU majoring in Public Relations, Advertising & Applied Communications (PRAAC). I was born in Colombia and have a passion for traveling. I love experiencing new cultures, especially their food. Off of that Im a big foodie and love to try out new places to eat, but my favorite food is definitely sushi. I enjoy writing on women's issues and being a voice for the minorities. I hope to continue to write and grow as a writer in general.