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305 Outsider’s Survival Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Did you come from another country, state or city? Have you never spent a great deal of time in Miami before? Is the pain of your decision already sinking in?

Then you, like me, are a 305 outsider, and in that case: Welcome to Miami!

If you are a 305 outsider and you are reading this, you probably already know what a heck of a different world you have stepped into. Lucky for you, I’ve been around for a while and I am willing to give you a peek into this alternate universe!

So buckle up and get ready for the top 5 things that you should know about Miami.

#1: Miami People

Yeah, I know it’s tough talking to people at first (it sure was for me), and not having a clue on what they’re saying. And yes, I know you already planned to spend every night of your collegiette life with a bowl of popcorn in front of your TV watching the Walking Dead.

But I’m going to let you in, in a little secret….

Most people out here are fun, loud, and very sociable. The moment you break that social barrier around you and talk to someone from Miami, will be the moment your late lonely Friday nights will come to an end. Guaranteed!

#2: Coffee

Coffee is an essential part of the Miami culture. It’s how you bond together and how you meet people. It’s how you spend your after-class time with your recently made friends and it’s how you start jumping and smiling at random people for no apparent reason after your first espresso shot.

 Undoubtedly, it is also how you will spend a great amount of money if you grow an addiction. But who can resist a cortadito?

#3: Traffic

It’s not a hyperbole. It’s a real thing!

I had to sit in the same spot for an hour and a half, going home once. It’s not fun…even if you have your phone with you.

The most common traffic side-effects that occur are paranoia, anger, and an unshakable urge to honk.

My advice? Traffic is not your friend. Avoid it if you can by finding alternative short-cuts and routes!

#4: Spanglish

Definition: Includes, but not limited to the word dale!

You’ve heard the word dale in almost every Pitbull song. But that’s definitely not the only Spanish word that you’ll hear interlaced in English conversations around here. Get used to it and don’t be scared to ask your friends when you don’t understand! After a few trial and errors you will be an expert at this.

#5: The Heat

Know nothing about sports? Well now you do. You know about The Heat, because you’ve now heard about them from a handful of your friends — and you are tired of seeing that ball on flames wherever you go!

I mean, come on! It’s on shirts around campus, on posters, on every local news channel. It’s everywhere!

So don’t try to escape it, embrace it. 

Nathalie Fleitas is a marketing major and an English minor at Florida International University. She a words' enthusiast, a bookworm, and she gets overly attached with fictional characters. She likes making up stories about anything that she can imagine and later write it on paper. But overall, she hopes she can one day write something that will inspire millions of people.