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21 Things I Learned Before Turning 21

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Turning 21 is the turning point for a lot people. You can do more things without worrying if you’ll get into trouble, you can officially rent a hotel room–and the list goes on. As many people, I have come to the time in life where I feel comfortable in my own skin and content with how things are going. This was not without struggle, of course. I learned a lot of things in my life that have shaped me into who I am today, and have helped me in so many ways. I wanted to share that with those who still don’t feel the comfort in their own skin, for those afraid of taking risks, and those who haven’t completely figured life out yet. Here are 21 things I leaned before turning 21.


  1. It’s okay to not be okay. Take time to let your emotions out; the longer you leave them stuck in a little box, the worse it’s going to be when they come out.
  2. Crying does NOT mean you’re weak. It’s dealing with things in life that many people go through.
  3. You are not alone. Never think you can’t reach out to people when you need them. If they truly care for you, they’ll be there no matter what.
  4. Fun times don’t need to come in the form of a bubbly alcoholic beverage. It seems like the world to drink with friends and get “faded”, but if you don’t know your limit, memories are gone. You have 0 control over yourself, and it’s not worth it. You don’t need a drink to enjoy a night out. Trust me.
  5. Sitting at home and watching movies is therapeutic. Sometimes we need a break from the world around us, what better way to do that than to dive into an entirely different world–even for a few hours.
  6. Movie premieres for your favorite movies are still cool. Go out at 12 AM on a Thursday for that movie you’ve been dying to see in theaters. It’s worth it.
  7. A job right now isn’t your career, don’t let it control your life.
  8. Life is full of surprises, and that’s what makes it beautiful.
  9. Thank your parents, you may not always understand the why’s behind their methods of action, just know they have your best interest at heart.
  10. Rid yourself from people who serve no purpose in your life or are genuinely toxic to have around.
  11. Life goes on, and something better is yet to come. Don’t let anyone stop you from living.
  12. Spend money on concerts, trips, and events. The memories and friendships made from them are worth the paycheck.
  13. The beach is a beautiful place to think and detox yourself from any negativity holding you down.
  14. Music speaks to the soul when other things don’t. Enjoy your headphones playing loudly in an elevator. No one will care that much, I promise.
  15. An ex is an ex for a reason. Don’t let them back in just to make you feel better. That negativity is not worth bringing back. I learned this the hard way.
  16. Material items aren’t going to last your forever. Spend money and time on things that make you a better version of you, not because it’s the latest trend.
  17. Surround yourself with people who help you grow with no limitations.
  18. Allow yourself to be inspired by others, there’s beauty in everyone.
  19. Risks are meant to be taken. If you live your life in the same box, you’ll never experience the true beauty life has to offer you.
  20. Take time for yourself. If you need to be alone and treat yourself, do it. Don’t let anyone take that from you.
  21. Learn to love yourself, you are worth every single second you have lived on this earth. 21 years of knowledge have been engraved in your mind, and that makes you special beyond anything. You were put on this Earth for a reason. Some people don’t make it to 21, remember them, their struggles, and let it fuel you with love and the desire to live the best life possible. Do it for you, because you deserve the world. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Nicole is currently a senior at Florida International University studying English. She wants to become a full-time writer for a journalistic blog or company in the future, and hopes to publish a few novels along the way. Her truest of loves include Disney, Anime, music, her dogs, writing, and Harry Potter. She is a lover of makeup, and telling people's stories from their eyes and her experiences. She is currently a Beauty Advisor at Riley Rose part-time, and hopes to continue working alongside them in the future. You can follow her journey on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/nicoli0o/ and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/nicoli0o_