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Life > Experiences

11 Virtual Activities You Can Do With Friends to Keep You Connected

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Social isolation has us missing our friends, and while our family and pets might keep us company, some bonds can’t be replaced. But that doesn’t mean that your friendships have to suffer. Here some ideas of activities you can do during your free time, keeping in mind that you are under no obligation to meet a certain expectation of making it to all, or any, zoom hangouts. 

1.    Work-out Yoga classes, HIIT classes, dance classes are just some of the classes you can grab a few friends (virtually) and attend together. If you’re a beginner, getting through the struggle together will be fun and a bonding experience. If you’re taking the class for free (as many are being offered), the pressure to complete the full routine will be less. If not, you can always make up your own workouts or choreography! You might be surprised at how effective having your friends’ support and encouragement, even if it’s through a screen, can be. If you’ve been in a not-feeling-like-exercising rut, group workouts might be the fix. 

2.    Drinking Games Let’s not forget weekends still exist. Watch your favorite The Office episode and take a sip/shot every time Michael says “that’s what she said,” or play virtual beer pong. Best of all, if you do happen to drink a bit too much, you’re likely in the comfort of your own home/bed. 

3.    Boardgames Even if you get competitive, that too can be a bonding experience. Monopoly, Chess, Checkers, Scrabble, and Life are all options you can find online to play. Some of these games might take several hours to complete, giving you an excuse to make it a game night with some pizza and snacks.

4.    Podcasts Whether you’re listening to one or creating one, either is possible to do virtually with friends. Podcasts are relatively easy to create. They can be verbal or you could make it one big FaceTime recording. Suggestions: Discuss your favorite philosophies, your own quarantine experience, or share your weekly girls-night-in for other women to relate to. 

5.    Watch a new show episode together Netflix, Hulu, E!, Bravo, and YouTube can all be streamed and caught up on at any time. If you and your friends already have a show in common, you can plan to watch the next new episode together (i.e. through FaceTime or Zoom). If you don’t you could start a new show together and have it be “your thing.”

6.    Workshops With lots of free and low-cost virtual workshops being offered right now, you and your friends could decide to improve a skill together. Or, if you have a skill in common (i.e. photography, guitar playing, social media marketing), you could even host a workshop of your own- either for free or for a low fare.

7.    Book Club  Starting a virtual book club with your friends might be just the motivation you guys need to get through that new year reading list you made months ago. If you’re a literature major, you’d probably enjoy the discussions a lot. Suggestions: reread an old favorite or pick up a new self-improvement one and see how you can apply the teachings to your life. 

8.    Virtual Game Shows Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, and Family Feud can all be played virtually. Choose a category and create your own, or play a pre-made version. Trivia might also be fun. Topic Suggestions: pop culture; 90s/2000s; trivia about each other.

9.    Cook/Bake Try out a new recipe collectively, review it, or follow a baking tutorial together. Quarantine has turned many of us into chefs and bakers. Doing it with the virtual support of friends can only be more fun. And, if you both mess up, you can surely laugh about it together. #bonding

10.    Spa night Bring out the face masks, the desserts, the wine (or kombucha), put on your favorite pj’s, light a candle, and chat. 

11.    Make Tik Toks Didn’t think group Tik Toks could be done not in-person? Think again. The Don’t Rush Challenge is just one of the ways you can get creative with your friends even if you’re not next to each other. Plus, it’ll give you an excuse to get dolled-up.  

Daniela is a senior majoring in English Literature and Criminal Justice at Florida International University.