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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIT chapter.

As a woman, it’s truly devastating to hear and see the events that have been happening in Iran. Last month, 22 year old Mahsa Amini, died in the hospital. She was arrested for wearing her hijab “too loosely” and was said to have a heart attack at the police station which then resulted in her death. However, many witnesses said she was a victim of police brutality with the belief that she died due to the severe beatings and a cerebral hemorrhage/ stroke.

This led to many powerful protests by the woman of Iran to show what had been done to Amini was an act of unfair treatment, a violation, and downright disgusting. Since then, many women have been removing their Hijabs as signs of protest and for justice for Amini. Security forces keep killing women who are standing up for their human rights. Over 180 people have died already for protesting.

!6 year old, Nika Shakarami was murdered for protesting. She was 16. Authorities tried to lie about how she died, but the injuries on her body says something different- falling from a significant height AKA she was pushed off a building.

Authorities have also been threatening families for their safeties if they do not cooperate with them. It’s horrible. Iran’s officials keep brutally hurting and killing these unarmed women who just want justice for all the women who died, and for their OWN RIGHTS! There is live ammunition and tear gas being thrown into the crowds of women protesting. There also have been over 1,000 arrests and they are blocking internet access which is why it’s important for the world to know what is going on, and that this movement is not going to die down anytime soon.

It’s sickening to see this still happening. We must use our voices and help spread the word about what’s going on in Iran to those who don’t know. It might not seem like a lot of help to share a social media post, but it really does! Social media posts help share information to educate others and since Iran has been blocking internet access, it’s essential for these women to know that WE STAND WITH THEM and SUPPORT THEM!!!

Please take the time to read articles and watch the news about what is going on, and educate yourself and others!

Aneesha is a senior at the Fashion Institute of Technology studying Advertising and Marketing Communications focusing on journalism.