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The Lalaboots And Leaves
The Lalaboots And Leaves
Her Campus Media
Style > Fashion

Step Into Fall Fashion

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIT chapter.

Combat, cowboy, chelsea, chunky… the boots we wear are constantly changing. Putting new boots in our closet or pulling old styles out from the back, it can be hard to keep up with what’s what each season. And as red and orange leaves begin to litter the sidewalks they are crushed underfoot by this season’s boots. So, let’s take a look at what boots we should be slipping on as we step outside this fall.

As we know, fashion trends are constantly cycling and recycling. The western influence of cowboy boots from the 1970s came back around recently. New plastic, old worn leather, bright white and red, and traditional brown boots paired with flowing skirts and dresses to evoke the same bohemian feel of the flower power style. Combat and platform boots re-emerged from the 90s fashion in a powerful way. Chunky soled Doc Martens and platform boots raised us to new heights, stomping anyone who dared to wear flat soled shoes. Ugg boots even made a shocking comeback after being deemed unfashionable in the 2010s. They reached new levels of popularity after celebrities, such as Bella Hadid, were seen strutting down the street in their platform Uggs. But this fall, we see the reemergence of a new style of boot. No longer soaring over the crowd in ultra platform boots, this new boot brings us back down to earth. It’s the Engineer boot.

Engineer boots, also known as engineer’s boots, are pull-on style boots that were originally worn as practical work boots. Sold originally to railroad workers, these boots were solely worn for their practicality as work boots in both their size and shape as well as the protection they granted to workers against the coal-fired steam engines. Eventually, they fell out of favor as work boots and fell into favor as a fashion item. The post-war motorcycle culture is what brought them into style. As a popular option for motorcycle boots, they brought a “cool” aesthetic to the wearer and became fashionable for both men and women.

Recently, we have seen this grungy-style boot everywhere. Miu Miu made the drastic switch from dainty ballerina flats to distressed leather adorned with belts and buckles on the runway and many other brands have followed in step. Affordable options from brands like Steve Madden, Zara, and H&M have helped the boot spread like wildfire, making them the shoe of this fall. Below, there are some Pinterest looks to help inspire you to hop on the Engineer boot bandwagon.

Clara is a student at the Fashion Institute of Technology studying Advertising and Marketing Communications. She loves reading, writing, drinking coffee, and exploring the city.