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Beyonce at the 2021 Grammy Awards
Beyonce at the 2021 Grammy Awards
Photo by Cliff Lipson / CBS
Culture > Entertainment

Ranking Every Song Of Beyonce’s Renaissance Album

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIT chapter.


Coming in last is PLASTIC OFF THE SOFA. Now let’s get one thing straight, I absolutely love Beyonce – Her music, her voice, all of it. But this song was a flop in my opinion. It lacks the catchy rhythm all the other songs have and is unnecessarily long. If I could take any song off the album it would be this one.


ALL UP IN YOUR MIND may be in 15th place, but that doesn’t make it a bad song. There are too many bangers for me to rank it any higher but this song has a good beat and features some amazing harmonies. However, it is a bit slower than the other songs and doesn’t quite capture the potential of Bey’s vocals.


Do you ever listen to a song for the first time and go back and forth between liking it? That was this song for me. I loved the beginning. It’s smooth and immediately creates a feel-good vibe. But, as the song goes on it starts to become repetitive to the point of me wanting to skip over it.

#13: MOVE

I really hate that I had to put this one at number 13 because it’s probably the most energetic and fun song on the album. But because it’s so short and there are so many other top-tier songs, this is where it has to be. Overall, I give this song an 8/10 because it makes me think of going out and getting hyped up by my friends.


Let me tell you, the build-up to this song is flawless. It’s the type of song that when it first starts playing, you immediately recognize it. It’s high energy, fast-paced, and everything the Renaissance Tour is about.


Whenever I’m feeling insecure or anxious, I listen to this one. It may possibly be one of the most motivating, girl-power songs I’ve ever heard. Not only is this song uplifting, but it is also so well thought out. From the beginning line to the end, every beat is on point and I never want it to end.


Getting into the top 10, CHURCH GIRL is so entertaining. It’s definitely the best song to dance to and the choreography during this song was phenomenal. As far as the lyrics go, they’re pretty repetitive and easy to memorize, so I think that’s one of the reasons why this one is so popular.


This song screams Queen B and I feel like it connects deeply with independent, ambitious women. Whether it be their careers or dreams, this song just makes everyone want to be the best, highest version of themselves.


When I first listened to the album, CUFF IT was my favorite for sure. Clearly, I wasn’t the only one who thought this, because it was by far the most overplayed. I had so much fun during Bey’s performance of this song, as I know all the words to it by heart now, but I find that I don’t intentionally listen to it anymore.


I don’t know what exactly it is about this one, but I absolutely love it. I cannot get sick of BREAK MY SOUL no matter how many times I play it and I think part of the reason is because of how freeing it is. The lyrics make me feel invincible and help relieve me of everyday stress.


The vibe of this song? Unmatched. The lyrics? Perfect. The build-up to the chorus? So catchy. Honestly, my only critique with this one is that I wish it were longer.


One thing about this song is that it’ll make you work. It really makes you feel like you’re THAT GIRL. If you ever need a song for hot girl walks, shopping, or just hype music in general, this song will do it for you every time. Another unique aspect is that the beat transitions toward an even faster pace in the middle of the chorus which makes it even more electrifying.


Putting HEATED at number 4 was painful. This is by far one of the best Beyonce songs of all time. I can literally feel my serotonin levels rising whenever I hear the first note. When Bey performed this song she fanned herself on stage and wore a gorgeous silver bodysuit. How she looked then, is how I feel when I listen to this song, liberated and confident.


I don’t know one person who’s listened to this song and not liked it. It has such a classy yet edgy aesthetic to it. Beyonce has such a talent for creating music that touches you in all types of ways. This song, in particular, highlights the uniqueness of being an independent, powerful woman in today’s society. It’s truly intoxicating.

#2: COZY

Perfection is what this song is. Once again, Beyonce proves she’s the queen and can make her fans feel any way she wants them to. The message behind this one is incredibly influential; ” comfortable in my skin”. So many artists use motivating lyrics, but to pair a song with such a beautifully complimented rhythm, vocals, and chorus is an art only Beyonce has mastered. I could see the confidence radiating off people as soon as this song began.


PURE/HONEY changed my life. As cliche as it sounds to say a song changed your life, this one really had a huge impact on me and I still listen to it every day. First off, the build-up to this song is INCREDIBLE. Forget all the hype songs you’ve heard in the past, this one will get you going every single time. Too tired to get up for the gym? PURE/HONEY. Too lazy to finish your schoolwork? PURE/HONEY. Have a bad self-image day? PURE HONEY. I’m telling you, this song will make you feel like Queen B herself.

Hey! I'm Ella and I'm an AMC major at FIT. I love anything that has to do with shopping, the gym, makeup, and thrifting! Plus I'm always down for a concert!