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Trader Joe\'S Reusable Bag
Trader Joe\'S Reusable Bag
Jocelyn Hsu / Spoon
Style > Fashion

Everyone Needs an Emotional Support Tote Bag

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIT chapter.

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I was always a backpack person. About a year ago my mind changed.

Wherever I was going, I brought my red Juicy Couture backpack with me, holding everything I could need and more.

I had a large collection of tote bags sitting in my bedroom, collecting dust. Condé Nast totes, totes that I got from school, and ones I bought in the hope of using them someday.

I finally cracked. Everyone around me was using tote bags to carry their belongings. I needed to see what all the hype was about.

My Vanity Fair tote bag, clean as ever, was ready for its time to shine. It was made for the purpose of carrying my belongings and didn’t disappoint.

I put my 48oz water bottle in there, a plethora of pharmaceuticals, lens wipes, lip gloss, and more. I thought my shoulder would be sore and the tote would slip right down my arm. But this was not the case at all. The tote bag exceeded its hype. It’s comfortable and stays on my arm through every obstacle.

Cloud Bag Heavyweight Tomato

I don’t go anywhere without my tote bag anymore. It hold all of my essentials. You never know what you will need.

Fear not, it will be in my tote bag. Need water? I got you covered. Tums? Advil? I have it. Gum? Lipgloss? Hand sanitizer? It’s all in my emotional support bag.

My tote has been with me through good times and bad. It even has some Tel Aviv sand at the bottom from my summer excursions, no matter how much I try to shake it out.

Everything I need is in there. Whenever the world around me fails, my tote bag is a constant, and has always got my back (and yours and my sister’s who somehow always forgets a water bottle. That’s why we all need an emotional support tote bag in our lives.).

My name is Neshama Rudnitzky. I am a current Advertising and Marketing student at The Fashion Institute of Technology. I am extremely passionate about writing. Some of my favorite topics to write about include fashion, NYC, and pop-culture. My work can be found on W27 Online, the official newspaper website of FIT. A few of my hobbies include making beaded jewelry, reading fashion magazines, and exploring New York City. I love learning and trying new things and taking every professional opportunity that I could get. I have previously worked at NYFW, as a social media intern in Tel Aviv, and am currently employed at the FIT animation department. I also work as the social media manager of the FIT Hillel, the Jewish club on campus.