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Budget-Friendly Room Decoration: Transform Your Space Without Breaking the Bank

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIT chapter.

Decorating your room doesn’t have to cost a fortune. With some creativity, resourcefulness, and a bit of DIY spirit, you can give your space a fresh and inviting look without emptying your wallet. And let’s be honest, we all feel uplifted when we organize or change the look of our room! So here’s how you can do it: 

  • Repurpose and Revamp: Before rushing to buy new decor, take a closer look at what you already have. Consider repurposing old items or giving them a fresh coat of paint. That outdated side table could become a stylish statement piece with a few strokes of paint or some adhesive contact paper. Old picture frames can be upcycled to display inspirational quotes or artwork, adding a personal touch to your walls. So, what matches your personality?
  • DIY Artwork and Wall Decor: Instead of purchasing expensive artwork, unleash your creativity and craft your own wall decor. Create a gallery wall with framed photos, magazine cutouts, or even your own paintings and sketches. You can also try your hand at creating a beautiful macramé wall hanging or string art. DIY projects not only save money but also give your room a unique and special touch that store-bought items can’t replicate. So, what’s your hobby?
  • Thrift and Secondhand Shopping: Thrift stores and secondhand shops are hidden gems for affordable room decor. You never know what treasures you might find, from vintage mirrors to charming lamps and quirky decorative items. Keep an open mind, and don’t be afraid to mix and match different styles to create a truly eclectic and personalized space. Remember to thoroughly inspect the items to ensure they are in good condition. So, where are you running off to?
  • Play with Textiles: Transform your room’s ambiance with the magic of textiles. Add colorful throw pillows to your bed or seating area, and layer different textures with cozy blankets and throws. Curtains and rugs can instantly change the look of a room and are available in various price ranges. Look for budget-friendly options that complement your room’s color scheme and style. In fact, you can make something out of old, colorful scarves and clothes as well. So, what is your favorite style?
  • Indoor Plants and Greenery: Bringing some greenery into your room can breathe life into the space and add a sense of tranquility. Indoor plants are affordable, and caring for them can be a rewarding experience. Consider low-maintenance plants such as succulents or spider plants, which require minimal attention. You can also propagate plants from cuttings, saving money while expanding your plant collection. So, which plant are getting?
  • Lighting Matters: Don’t underestimate the impact of lighting on the atmosphere of your room. Go for soft and warm lighting rather than harsh, bright bulbs. String lights are a cost-effective way to add a cozy and enchanting ambiance. You can hang them on the walls, drape them over furniture, or place them in glass jars for a DIY lantern effect. So, which lighting do you currently use?
  • Organize and Declutter: One of the most affordable ways to improve your room’s appearance is to declutter and organize your belongings. Get rid of unnecessary items and find clever storage solutions for the things you want to keep. Utilize inexpensive storage bins, baskets, and shelves to keep your space tidy and visually appealing. So, getting rid of the clothes-chair right?

Decorating your room on a budget is a fun and rewarding challenge that allows you to showcase your personality and style. Ready to start? 

Hi, I’m in Advertising and Digital Design major at SUNY FIT. I got associate's in Communication Design Foundation here we well. I am an intern at Baseline Co. (femtech company) and 2ND Sight Experience (marketing agency). I love reading books, watching movies, exploring new places with friends, and taking pictures.