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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FAMU chapter.

FAMU held its annual Relay for Life on Friday at the Robert “Pete” Griffin Track Complex.

An opening ceremony kicked off the big event. The ceremony included everyone gathering in a big circle and expressing why he or she was involved in Relay for Life.

9 survivors participated in Relay for Life this year. Families of those who died from cancer also participated in this year’s event.

Similar to past Relay for Life’s, the student participation was at an all time high. Over 40 clubs and organizations fundraised this year.

“One of the goals for Relay for Life this year was to gain more student and faculty participation,” said Ms. Brandi Tatum, Relay for Life faculty advisor.

This year’s showcase was hosted by Miss Junior Attendant, TeAndrea Hood and Vincent Montgomery, a junior broadcast journalism student.

Performances included rap group, Capital 6, Mitch and Kool Keem, Greek Organizations and dance troupes.

Audience members also were entertained by hypnotist, Lenny Moore.

Food trucks served food to attendees near the entrance of the track.

Music was provided by FAMU’s Dj Loosekid.

The Relay for Life event brings awareness to the fight against cancer to students.

“It was important for us to participate in Relay for Life as one of our community service events because we all have been affected by cancer in some way,” said Camara Johnson, Phi Sigma Theta Honor Society member.


Photos Credit: Its A FAMUly Affair



Greetings! I am Courtney S. Green, a senior public relations major at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida.