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Positives and Negatives of Natural Hair

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FAMU chapter.

I was born on July 5, 1992 with a head full of curly hair, and at five years old I don’t quite remember why but I got my first perm along with my twin sister. After 15 years of countless hairstyles with relaxed hair from braids to weaves and bangs to different hair colors, my hair was fed up. My hair was over processed by color so I didn’t really have any other options but to cut it completely off!  

I cut off all of my relaxed hair over 9 months ago before I began interning in NYC for the summer, in June of this year my natural journey will have lasted for one year.

The funny thing about “becoming natural” is that you realize a lot about yourself as a woman. Relaxed hair, installed hair with weave or braids and natural hair are looks that black women have embraced for years. There are unspoken pro’s and con’s that I have experienced since I cut all of my straight hair off my head in 2013. Yes, the “Big Chop” was liberating and seeing the hair on the floor was life changing but, I’d like to present a list of positives and negatives I’ve experienced since 2013.  One thing before you read, all black women no matter if your hair is relaxed, braided up or even if you choose to have weave, you are beautiful in my eyes!



  • My level of comfort with my features and facial structure has grown immensely since I cut my hair. Being close to bald forced me to look in the mirror every single day and I became more comfortable with my face and features.
  • I learned to understand that my hair journey is truly my own and I couldn’t compare my curl pattern to others. This was a beautiful realization.
  • The support I had from my friends and family when I cut my hair was great. It still is great hearing positive remarks from them to this day.
  • Cutting your hair, partaking in the “Big Chop” definitely pushes you out of your comfort zone and helps with your self-image as a woman.



  • Cliché or faux symbols associated with natural haired women.
  • The images associated with women with curls that showcase us as ankh wearing women with our fists raised isn’t cool because not all natural women cut their hair to be viewed in this manner.
  • Certain remarks from individuals I know and don’t know about curl patterns and degrees of hair.
  • The comments from individuals about my curl pattern being more defined than theirs or that their hair doesn’t curl quite like mines isn’t fun to hear. Whenever I come across women with comments like this, I try to let them know all hair is different.

For more quirky posts like this follow Robyn Mowatt on Twitter @star_struckkk and feel free to check out her writing portfolio at http://robynmowatt.pressfolios.com!