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Natalie Amore, ’14: Student Leader

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FAMU chapter.

Name: Natalie Amore
Classification: Junior
Major: Pre Med Biology
Hometown: Miami, Fla.

HC FAMU: You have become a well known student leader on campus. When did you realize your effect on others and “status?”
NA: Sometimes as a student leader you don’t reflect on the impact you’ve made, because there is so much to accomplish in a minimal time. But, what allows me to continuously serve the student body is the genuine moments I have with my peers. Those moments show me I truly completed something. Sometimes the feeling comes to heart when I complete a project or event. Then, I can seat back and see how joyful people are and no matter what struggles I had to go through to get the job done that moment makes it worth it.

HC FAMU: What made you aspire to be a student leader?
NA: My journey as a student leader started in high school. I was prevailed to become a class officer and served in Student Government Association at McArthur High School. The friends I had in high school were very competitive so we had friendly competition which developed our leadership skills. Specifically, I know I wanted to be a student leader on FAMU’s campus because I was comfortable with SGA’s purpose and function which is to serve and represent the students.

HC FAMU: Any words of advice to upcoming student leaders?
NA: Stay focus on the number one reason why you came to college. If you seek anything in life expedite your duties and responsibilities to the best of your ability. Find that medium balance in your life and perfect it. Don’t allow minor setbacks to hinder your major impact. With work, time, and, patience you will blossom into a great student leader.

HC FAMU: Any plans for this upcoming year to help the student body?
NA: My plans for the upcoming year consist of working with other student leaders to ratify the governing documents, continuing to work on a state, local and national level on higher education funding, participating in campus wide activities/programs, and registering rattlers to vote.

HC FAMU: What provoked you to attend Florida A&M?
NA: Besides the fact I wanted to go far away from home as possible I wanted to have the historical black college experience. I have a few extended family members who attended Florida A&M University therefore they encouraged me to attend FAMU.

HC FAMU: What is your current position on campus? Can you talk a little bit about it.
NA: Currently I serve in the Office of the Attorney General of Student Government Association as Deputy Attorney General. I address legal concerns pertaining to the Student Body Constitution and Statutes. The common forms of governing documents are the Florida Statutes, the University FANG, the Student Body Constitution, and Statutes. Therefore, if any student has experienced some form of misfeasance, malfeasance and/or nonfeasance of duties or procedures (from SGA or any entity governed by the Student Body Constitution and Statutes) in any of the above documents, the Attorney General Office can address those issues.

HC FAMU: How do you balance academics, campus involvement, and social life?
NA: Academics come first so throughout my day I am doing some form of academics. My campus involvement requires me to be extremely organized so my planner, to do lists, and phone reminders helps me to balance things accordingly. The sacrifice is a portion of my social life but, I don’t mind because I love to talk. During my daily activities I am talking and interacting with people.

HC FAMU: What do you do for fun?
NA: Anything that is adventurous is an “okay” in my book. I do enjoy going home and spending time with my family because there is always something to do down south. Some of my hobbies include reading, cooking, exercising, and painting.

HC FAMU: Words of advice to yourself two and a half years ago (when you were a freshman).
NA: “Go above and beyond.”

Itopia is a senior from New Rochelle, New York studying Magazine Production. She is the founder of Florida A&M's campus branch. After graduation, Itopia plans to move back to NY and go to fashion school! In her spare time Itopia enjoys tweeting, browing on Tumblr, eating and listening to music.