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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FAMU chapter.

Name: Jonathan Thomas

Major: Business Administration

Relationship Status: Taken

Hometown: Fayetteville, GA

Campus Involvement: Member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., and Presidential Ambassadors.


HC FAMU: Where is one place you’d love to go that you haven’t been to yet?

JT: I would love to go to Egypt. I love history, and I feel like Egypt is full of it. They have the monuments, the Great Sphinx, the pyramids; and I think it would be a great experience to check that out.


HC FAMU: Who inspires you the most?

JT: First and foremost I’d have to say my family. My family does a lot to support me and push me; anytime I need something, they’re always there for me. Of course they motivate me and push me to do better, and go higher than before. Also, I would say the people I encounter on a day to day basis around campus. Whether it’s classmates, or my brothers, or my girlfriend; they all have an influence in pushing me to do something more with my life.


HC FAMU: What has been your most embarrassing moment?

JT: In high school I was in a big rush, and I had to get ready for a football game. So I’m in a hurry to get to the bathroom real quick before the game starts, I bust in the bathroom, and it turns out it was the girl’s bathroom. So I’m just in there with a group of girls, who were in the mirror just talking. So I guess that was pretty embarrassing as far as making that mistake. 



HC FAMU: What’s the secret to making a relationship last?

JT: I think, really committing yourselves to one another, and making sure that you all are getting to know each other on a variety of levels. Whether it’s emotional or physical; and making sure you’re truthful with one another. And ultimately that you’re having a good time with each other. I mean you don’t want anything to get boring, so keeping everything fresh and having fun with one another are very important to the longevity of a relationship.


HC FAMU: What’s the most romantic thing anyone’s ever done for you?

JT: I am someone who literally hates surprises, so I’m very adamant around every birthday, whether it’s to my friends or my family, that I do not want anything to be a surprise. But on this particular birthday I was studying for exams and I really didn’t have anything planned, so I was just in the library studying. My then friend, now girlfriend, came to the library and surprised me by bringing me a cupcake and spent that time with me in there. So while she didn’t know at the time that I had a crush on her, it was pretty romantic to share that cupcake with her in the library.


HC FAMU: Where would you like to be in 10 years, personally and professionally?

JT: I’m 22, so in 10 years I’ll be 32; so hopefully on a personal level I will have become the man I need to be as far as emotionally and being family oriented. I want to have a family started and be the head of the household at that time. Professionally, I really just want to be successful in the next 10 years. I don’t really know exactly where I’m going to be, I just know that I want to be a success. And if I’m lucky I will win the lottery and I won’t have to have a profession [laughs].


HC FAMU: If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

JT: I would be able to sing like Michael Jackson, or The Weekend, or somebody who has a great voice. Just because, if you can sing, you can really break the ice with someone at any point. And of course you can get the girls if you can sing, so I would definitely change that about myself.


HC FAMU: If you could give your freshman self advice about college, what would it be?

JT: First and foremost, don’t become and engineering major, because I started off in that, and I definitely bombed my first semester. Other advice would be to have as much fun as possible because you’re not going to remember the [individual] grades that you got. So if you make a C on an assignment, at least you had fun that night; you won’t care at the end of the day. Lastly, become and Alpha because of course you want to be the best in everything you do, so why would you settle for anything less? Telling my freshmen self [those tips], of course I’ve done some of that already, but I feel like I would have achieved greater success. 

Itopia is a senior from New Rochelle, New York studying Magazine Production. She is the founder of Florida A&M's campus branch. After graduation, Itopia plans to move back to NY and go to fashion school! In her spare time Itopia enjoys tweeting, browing on Tumblr, eating and listening to music.