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How to Make a Cucumber Lemon Detox

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FAMU chapter.

Wellness trends continue to take over the food scene as health fanatics begin to incorporate water detoxes into their diets. “I’ve been seeing a lot of people doing it lately. I heard that they have some good benefits depending on what fruits or vegetables you add,” said Jasmine C. Louis, 22, from Orlando, Fla. “You’re simply drinking water with naturals flavors.”


Water detoxes provide a natural cleanse of the body systems. The detox assists the body in removing unwanted toxins and chemicals. The body receives a boost of energy from the antioxidants in the fruit and vegetables. “I could feel a difference in my energy level,” said Louis.


Water is the base of the detox because it is needed for bodily functions such as maintain fluids, assisting with bowel movement, and energizing muscles. Two liters of water should sit over night with a select choice of produce in order to receive full benefits of the cleanse.


Louis said she enjoyed her detox. She used lemon, cucumber and watermelon. Boiling cilantro in water and using a parsley tea were also other ways Louis added flavor to her drink.


Citrulline is an organic compound in the amino acids of watermelon that help filter the kidney and liver. The digestive tract is stimulated because of limes or lemons. Mint leaves, provide a refreshing flavor, release cramped muscles and aid the body in digestion.


Try out Jasmine’s recipe and let us know what you think in the comments!


Cucumber and lemon detox recipe:

1-2 liters of water

1 cucumber

1 lemon

Ice cubs

10-13 fresh mint leaves

1.      Cut cucumber into slices and place in a jug or pitcher

2.      Cut lemon into wedges and add to pitcher

3.      Add mint leaves to the mixture

4.      Pour cool water into the pitcher until it is filled

5.      Let the mixture sit overnight so that the flavors form the produce can infuse with the water.


“I thoroughly enjoyed trying it,” said Louis, who plans to continue incorporating the detox into her wellness lifestyle transition.

Public relations scholar at Florida A&M