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Faith McIver, ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FAMU chapter.

Name: Faith McIver
Classification: Junior
Major: Public Relations
Hometown: Washington D.C.

HC FAMU: How did you decide on attending FAMU?
FM: I decided to come to FAMU at the last minute honestly. But it is definitely the best decision I’ve ever made. FAMU was one of two HBCUs I applied to. I never saw myself attending a Historically Black University but after realizing how much attending a PWI would cost with no scholarship, I knew that out of all schools FAMU would have to do the job. Also my brother attended and graduated from here in 2009 and he loves this university, so I knew it couldn’t be all that bad.

HC FAMU: What do you love about your major?
FM: The versatility that public relations has when you’re looking into various jobs. For instance right now I have been doing a little work with BET assisting their PR Division. However, I do not see myself permanently going into Entertainment PR, but working in the Industry and getting as much experience as possible is a plus. My dream is to do Corporate PR with a business like Coca-Cola. Also I have been looking into healthcare PR as well. There are many avenues you can chose to follow in this major, which is what I love.

HC FAMU: What are some things that you are involved in on campus?
FM: Currently I am the PR/Marketing Director for the Homecoming TV Special that will be airing November 16, 2012. I am also active in PRSSA, and working as a new PRodigy Associate. Previously I was the PR Chair of the Sophomore Class Cabinet and did volunteer work with SGA my freshman year.

HC FAMU: What are some things that motivate you?
FM: Honestly the thought of failing is my motivation. I never want to be “that girl” that messes something up or does it wrong or not up to par. But in a more simple aspect my family and friends are my motivation as well. Some of the things that I am accomplishing I never thought I’d be doing. But the people around me, “my supporters,” always said, “it’s just a matter of time.” So I hope I’m doing them justice.

HC FAMU: What are some things you would share with someone looking to pursue public relations?
FM: Be organized. And make sure you are aware of time management. PR is all about time and organization especially when you’re involved in different groups or handling PR for different people. Also be as personable as possible and a serious communicator. Public relations is definitely a networking field and you won’t get anywhere without a network.

HC FAMU: Describe the process of becoming a part of the homecoming show.
FM: Well the first step is applying with Professor Jones. Then you send a resume and cover letter. Depending on the position you’re applying, there may be a required audition or an interview.

HC FAMU: What’s your favorite dish?
FM: Anything involving potatoes [laughs]. I LOVE French fries!

HC FAMU: What do you like to do for fun?
FM: Sleeping is my new favorite past time because I have gotten so busy but I like the simple things. Like going out to eat, hanging with friends, shopping, and getting my nails done.

Itopia is a senior from New Rochelle, New York studying Magazine Production. She is the founder of Florida A&M's campus branch. After graduation, Itopia plans to move back to NY and go to fashion school! In her spare time Itopia enjoys tweeting, browing on Tumblr, eating and listening to music.