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Ashli Doss, ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FAMU chapter.

Name: Ashli Doss
Major: Broadcast Journalism
Classification: Junior
Hometown: St. Petersburg, FL
Relationship Status: Heart is taken
Involvement: National Association of Black Journalist, FAMU Green Coalition, Radio Personality WANM 90.5

HC FAMU: One valuable lesson that you’ve learned from the School of Journalism
& Graphic Communication.
AD: Discipline, my professor told me recently that so many people die with their talents buried because they never learned the importance of discipline.

HC FAMU: Who inspires you and why?
AD: My mother is an inspiration, as an educator, a daughter, a wife, a sister, and a friend. She has overcome so many obstacles yet she has always instilled faith in my siblings & me and provided an example of how a woman should carry herself.

HC FAMU: Finish the phrase, “You know you’re at FAMU when…”
AD: Every song has either a line dance or a stroll.

HC FAMU: Most used FAMU term.
AD: “Get them Votes,” a term me & my friends came with to poke fun at campus elections.

HC FAMU: Interests/Activities.
AD: Free styling (spoken word), filming and editing videos, TV news reporting, learning about my history, Mexican Food and Margaritas,

HC FAMU: How would you describe yourself?
AD: Misunderstood, at first I may come off to some as loud & obnoxious but that is just my personality I am really outgoing, bubbly & I love to make people laugh. I have a very big heart.

HC FAMU: What is your biggest accomplishment?
AD: My biggest accomplishment thus far is being accepted to Florida A&M University. I never thought that becoming a Rattler would be such a life changing experience. I’ve been offered so many opportunities that I don’t think I would’ve received at any other University.

HC FAMU: You’re a host on the Saturday Morning Show. What’s that like?
AD: I enjoy every minute of it. On the show we have such a huge platform to reach people all over the world. However it is a major responsibility being the producer, holding weekly meetings, choosing content for the show as well as scheduling special guest.

HC FAMU: Will you be pursuing radio broadcast after graduation?
AD: Most likely I wont, but it is always something I’m open to. Television News is my dream job upon graduation.

HC FAMU: Favorite song lyric.
AD: “If it cost to be the boss, well then I guess I gotta pay!” – Lil’ Wayne 

Itopia is a senior from New Rochelle, New York studying Magazine Production. She is the founder of Florida A&M's campus branch. After graduation, Itopia plans to move back to NY and go to fashion school! In her spare time Itopia enjoys tweeting, browing on Tumblr, eating and listening to music.