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WildMusic WildLife

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Falmouth chapter.

Working on an album, alongside his studies is Matt Clarke, a Falmouth photography student who also takes a keen interest in music. Currently working on an album called “WildMusic Wildlife”, Matt is an environmentalist, and has travelled across Africa and Europe in order to work in safari complexes, studying animal behaviour as well as photography. Being a busy student, Matt is also part of the Wildlife Documentary Society in Falmouth and works with AK Wildlife Cruises, using this to his advantage with his photography course and hobby.

During this time, Matt developed a love for animals which led him to start making music which reflected these animals in their natural habitat. Matt plays the keyboard, and his music is instrumental, however he regularly attends Open Mics in Falmouth to promote the music he is working on.

Matt’s music resembles composers such as Ludovico Einaudi, and there is a much deeper meaning behind the music which Matt writes, for he wants to promote wildlife issues in the world, such as the animal cruelty and legal trading of endangered wildlife. These issues are very important to Matt and he has said he will be incorporating as much of this feeling into his album as possible.

Matt has said the album will be released on iTunes by September this year, and will be attending more Open Mics around Falmouth for the remaining few months of his first year at Falmouth. To see more of his photography, like his Facebook page.


An English student, studying in Falmouth, and I like to dream.