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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Falmouth chapter.

So we’ve been at uni for about two months now but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t things that you might’ve forgetten while moving in. 

1. Fairy Lights

Fairy lights can turn a cold and lonely uni room into a warm and welcoming area; these are an absolute priority when moving in! Sticking your fairy lights on in the evening whilst your finishing that essay or watching Netflix just makes everything so much better. 

2.Travel Mug

So you’ve had a rough night, woke up late, stumbled out of bed into the shower, got ready and suddenly you have 5 minutes to get to your lecture and you haven’t had a coffee! A travel mug is what is going to make sure you get that needed dose of caffiene during those crazy mornings. 

3. Ibuprofen

Having a few packets of ibupufren around is definitely helpful for those days when you’re incredibly hung over. 

4. Mints and Chewing Gum!

Always having a mint or a piece of gum will always come in handy. Always. 

5.Oversized Hoodie

This is going to save your life when you’ve come back from a day filled with lectures and hard work! It’s totally like being snuggled from all sides. 

I'm Laonni! I am 18 years old, I'm from Cornwall, have lived here all my life and absolutely love it! I am currently studying Creative Events Management at Falmouth University. I love tea and all things interiors!