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Things You Learn From Watching Mean Girls

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Falmouth chapter.

Mean Girls, one of the most loved films, has actually taughts us a lot of life lessons and things we SHOULD know. Read my list of things that Mean Girls has definitely taught us!

  1. Do not Judge People.Because Cady is from Africa, people just assume that she is black. Mrs Nornbury is making assumptions based on her appearance.
  3. No one is perfect and you should admit that you did wrong.
  4. Stick with your true friends and don’t ditch them for “fake” ones.
  5. Be careful what you say, someone might take it in a completely different way and make it sound a lot worse than it actually is.
  6. When things get tough, go shopping to make you feel better.
  7. Trust yourself; an example of this is when Regina starts putting on weight. If you feel like you are, then you probably are.
  8. Dating someone’s ex-boyfriend is “the rule of feminism” and should not be done.
  9. Being a Mathlete is just “social suicide”.
  10. Butter is not a carb, but it can still make you gain weight.
  11. October 3rd is an important day; it’s a great conversation starter.
I'm a first year Journalism Student at Falmouth University.