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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Falmouth chapter.

Name: Hannah Catley                                   

Year of Study: 2

Course: Advertising

Role: Hockey Captain 2014/215

Meet this week’s Campus Celebrity, Hannah (A.K.A Catley). If she’s not running around captaining the CSM ladies hockey team she’s planning our future training and fixtures (by the way the girls won Bottle Match). Her Campus sat down with Catley and get an insight on the busy yet extremely successful year she’s had. 

What has been the highlight of the year for you?

“My highlight of the year has to be Bottle Match. The girls worked so hard, all of the commitment and effort that went in really paid off and this year’s game will go down in history. To be captain of the team that won 10-1 makes me so proud and I couldn’t have asked for a better group of girls!”

So as we’ve heard the hockey girls love a good social, which party  has been the best this year?

“All of our socials get pretty crazy with someone always doing something silly to entertain us. But we are always well behaved. However, our gold social to celebrate our win at Bottle Match and getting gold accreditation for this season was particularly awesome! Beer pong, gold glitter and rugby boys, all the makings of a great night!”

I know it’s hard to choose, but which was your favourite match of this season?

“A favourite match? I love all the games that we win! But if I had to pick one, our second game of the season we won 9-2 and it really set us up to go on winning.”

Following that, what’s your favourite drink?

“Rose, 100% my drink”

What are the things you’ve learnt over the last year as captain?

“I’ve learnt so many things from being captain, patience, prioritising and time management but also not to stress about things that aren’t going to affect you tomorrow.”

Lastly some advice for next year’s captain

“I’m proud and excited for next year’s captain and wish her as much success as me! It’s often a tiring and stressful role but also incredibly rewarding. I hope you’re ready to inherit 30+ sisters because that’s what this team is, it’s a family. Do me proud girl!”

Massive congratulations to Hannah on her success and for putting 100% in the team. Watch out for Hannah playing in September for CSM ladies. Good luck to Charlie Devlin who is taking over for 15/16 season.


Nineteen year old, gossip lover and fashion photographer. Indulged in the Cornish lifestyle yet bred in busy ole bris'ol hoping to travel near far wherever the jobs are.