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10 Ultimate Clichés to Break Up with Someone.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Falmouth chapter.

When a relationship ends, the main reason is that the people involved just do not feel the same way about each other anymore. In an ideal world that is what one or both persons involved would say to each other. However, humans aren’t all like this and sometimes relationships end for ridiculous reasons. 

Here are a few common and CLICHÉ reasons why couples break up, and what they really mean.


1) “It’s not you, it’s me”

Well the fact you are saying that clearly means it is me and you are lying. You might as well just write in big letters: IT IS YOU AND I JUST DO NOT LIKE YOU ANYMORE. Never happens.


2) “I love you, but I’m not in love with you”

Basically, I liked you and I thought you were hot but now I’m just not interested. Sorry.


3) “I’m not ready for a relationship right now”

In other words, I’m not ready for a relationship. WITH YOU.


4) “You are going to make someone really happy someday”

I’m just going to live alone forever with my 10 cats, thanks for asking.


5) “I just need some space”

I just need to get away from you, as far as possible. Please leave me alone.


6) “Let’s still be friends”

Yeah, like that is EVER going to happen.


7) “I can’t make you happy”

So why have you been with me then all this time?


8) “I think we should see other people”

I just don’t want to be in a relationship, I want to sleep with loads of people actually.


9) “It’s for the best”

Oh, well I’m glad it’s not for the worst. Thanks for the reassurance.


10) “My feelings for you are so intense, it scares me”

My feels for you aren’t even there, I’m just saying that to make me look good.

What’s been the worst break up line you’ve ever had?





I'm a first year Journalism Student at Falmouth University.